Chapter 39: Sad Truth

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After Temari and I arrived back to the village, Gaara was impatiently waiting at the front entrance.

"You know you didn't have to come and wait for us." I chuckled.

"Lady Tsunade got here last night and she wanted to look at you and those records as soon as you got back." He stated firmly.

"Alright, alright where is she?"

"My office."

"Then lets get over there before she tears the place down." I walked with them and noticed that Kankuro wasn't guarding the door, but looking slightly terrified.

"Where the hell is she?!" I heard Lady Tsunade's annoyed voice.

"My, my you don't change do you?" I chuckled, looking in at her from the doorway.

"Mia...!" She turned sharply.

"Sorry it took so long, but we're here and we have the records." Gaara and the others finally took notice of the fan on my back.

"Where did you get that fan?" Kankuro asked looking at it intrigued.

"It was my mother's gift to her children." I muttered and pulled out the records. "I wish you could have seen her last words to us, but unfortunately those final words were what created this fan." Gaara looked at me shocked.

"Your mother...she left that fan for you?" I nodded once.

"This fan has the power to repel any storm. Temari has seen it first hand." Temari nodded to confirm my story.

"Incredible..." Kankuro muttered.

"My mother was an incredible woman. I just wish I had had more time with her." I walked over to Tsunade and handed her the documents. "This should be everything that you need from my village. There was nothing else we could find. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help." I went and sat down on the couch in his office. Gaara coming to sit beside me as Tsunade read through the documents.

"These are truly incredible. Your village was known for its healing abilities. But the extent to which its documented is astounding. It's just as well documented as the Nara Clan's."

"Thank you, our village took great pride in our abilities. We were a proud people but we valued helping others." I yawned slightly as I looked outside, the sun was starting to set and I knew it was about to be another long night if Lady Tsunade didn't do something.

"Have you found something that might help her?" Temari asked impatiently.

"Yes, I think this medication can counteract the sedative that was placed inside her body." She began ordering the medical ninjas to gather the ingredients for her as my eyes started to droop.

"Gaara...?" I muttered, his eyes looked into mine and he knew that I was going to pass out again soon.

"We don't have much time." He stated, Tsunade looking over at me and seeing the effects of the sedative.

"Hurry up with those ingredients!" She yelled. Within minutes the ingredients were there and she was mixing them together to make the medicine. "Mia I'm going to draw some blood before I inject you with the medicine so we can get more data on this sedative." I gave a small nod and looked away as she drew the blood from my arm.  From there she put the medicine in another needle and injected it into my arm. "It should take effect shortly." She stated.

The room started to spin and I felt sick as I get the medicine kick in.

"Is it supposed to make me not feel well?" I asked, fighting the urge to throw up.

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