Chapter Seventeen

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"Feet don't fail me now

Take me to the finish line

All my heart, it breaks every step that I take..." - Born to die, Lana Del Rey.


Zayn was stood near the door of his apartment as he sighed. It was one of the worst mornings for him, he got up and realized he was in Harry's bed and the signer was nowhere to be seen. He took his shirt back on and realized his study time table was screwed and he had to get home and study. When he ran out of the room he saw Harry with a lady, she was discussing something as she was handing out sheets to him and he was simply nodding.

When he saw that Zayn was in the room, he told him the car was waiting for him without any expression as he went back to discuss with that lady. Zayn was fumed, his tone was plain rude. As Zayn was in the car, he couldn't help the tears. He knew that Harry was doing this for fun, he doesn't need him now. All he wanted was a good time.

Fortunately the driver  let Zayn have his moment as he concentrated on driving. Now here he was, his eyes were swollen from crying and his face was red. He rang the bell as his sister opened it after few minutes and looked at him surprised, the smile from her face replacing with a frown.

"Zayn..? What happened?" She asks as Zayn couldn't held his tears back and started crying again as he hugged her. Jennifer took that as a surprise as she managed to close the door behind Zayn and took his hand as she let him sit on the couch and looked at him as his tears were flowing. "Did he... Do something?"

"He used me. He's acting like nothing happened." Zayn says as Jennifer takes his hand and holds it tight. "Listen Zayn. If you think he is playing, ignore him. He's going back today, right? If he tries to contact you, ignore. I know you might not because he has been your favorite singer since like, forever, so, I'm just telling you, you see now what kind of a person he is. I admit he has a beautiful voice, but as in a person, I don't think he has a beautiful heart."

"Maybe you're just right, Jen." Zayn says as he was lying on the couch. He had thought many things about Harry. He thought he would be a gentleman, a man who knows how to handle things, an understanding human and his heart would be beautiful. And now, huh. He's the complete opposite.

"Niall called you know, he was asking if you are up for studying with him?" Jennifer asks as she gets up. "Oh right. I will. Now?"

"In.. An hour. I'll make you breakfast. Okay?" Jennifer asks as she walks to the kitchen and looks at Zayn who nods. He gets up, walks into his room to pack his bags. He needed to get Harry out of his mind, as soon as possible."


"Listen, you should stop." Steph says as Harry sighs. "What do you want Steph? As a friend I decided to tell you and now, you're blaming it on me. Huh?"

Steph looks at him with a frown as she looks down at her heels. Here they were in a car driving to london, since Steph was a part of Harry's crew and one of his friends too, she decided to come along and give him some company. Harry's driver was in the front alone as he was in the back with Steph. There was a sheet in the middle of them, so the driver couldn't hear what they were talking about.

If he does, he might resign the very moment.

Harry told everything about Zayn to Steph, how he just couldn't get enough of him and how he didn't want him to get closer into his personal life. "You were in love with Genelia, right? She's getting married in like, two months."

"I know. I'm not in love with her, at least not anymore." Harry mutters as Steph nods. "So, what do you think about Zayn?"

"Uh, I like the way he looks. He's um, hot?" Harry mutters with a blush as Steph smirks. "Oh, I didn't hear the last word, repeat please?"

"Shut up." Harry says as Steph giggles. "He's your fan, that's the reason I'm teling you not to play with him. He has feelings about you, he already loves you!"

"That's the problem. Why does he love me? I mean, look at him. He's that kind of guy who could get Genelia if he wants." Harry replies as Steph takes her phone. "What's his twitter id?"

"Uh, ZaynPsych I think." He mutters as Steph nods. She was clicking on her phone as Harry looked at her curiously. "He's cute." Steph finally says as Harry smirks. "Oh? Is he?"

"Yeah. His last tweet was like thirteen minutes ago. It said 'Studies always comes first. Don't have time to be toys for others.' Oh, burn." Steph says as she looks at Harry. "Well, intelligent, isn't he?"

"He is. Leave him." Steph says as she clicks on some stuff before keeping her phone aside and looking at Harry who was eating a twix. "Oh, sorry didn't hear you. Want a twix?" He asks as Steph rolls her eyes.

"He'll want me. If he is my fan, he won't resist me. He's having his exams so I'll leave him for now but later on, I'll get him again because, he's really good at sex, you know?"

"I don't want to hear that." Steph replies as Harry chuckles. "At the same time, I'm not giving him hopes that he'll ever be my 'someone special' he should get used, you know?"

"No, I don't. I don't like the way everything you are thinking, Harry. It's wrong." She tries to explain as Harry bites his twix. "Sorry didn't hear you again. Want a twix?"

It was no use of explaining either.


Harry you jerk, burnn
Poor Zaynie boo
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Autograph [Zarry Stylik]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz