Chapter Five

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FOUR leaked? Duh. I mean how did this happen? xD To be true, I did search for it but I didn't find any songs, so yeah. I'll wait for the official release, nine days! :) Do you guys watch the X-Factor UK? Only The Young or Stereo Kicks? I don't like any of them, eh. There are eight boys in Stereo Kicks, whattt?

"Cause I wanna be yours, don't you wanna be mine? I don't wanna get lost in the dark of the night." -One Direction, Ready To Run.


"Calm down..." Niall whispers as Zayn takes a quick turn and the car almost collapses. Zayn gasped as he hit the brakes and Niall looked at him worried knowing that he was pan.

"Such a dork. He's such a dork!" Zayn screams as Niall sighs, looking out of the window as it was almost dark. He looks at Zayn who had his head buried in the steering wheel. "We should go, tomorrow at 2, get your shift done before that, we have to attend that lecture."

"Got it." Zayn says as Niall nods. Soon he was back driving and dropping his best friend at his house as he rides back to his. He cleaned his car today, it was in a bad condition since ages. His mother did remind him five days back. He hated driving, it was boring but Niall pleaded him so there he was.

His ride home was silent with radio playing on the side. He parked his vehicle carefully as a lady glanced at him four cars away. She started walking towards him as Zayn looks at his phone thinking if she knew him. She was right beside him. "Hello young man!"

"Hello, do I know you?" He asks politely as she chuckles. She points to his car as her blue eyes glare at him. "It's my parking place you know, my driver parks it here, I don't want your dusty vehicle to take the place of my pretty one."

Zayn was fuming. "Excuse me? Did you just call my car dusty? It's perfect the way it is. I don't give a damn about your shiny car, you can park it anywhere! My car is always there, how is that even your place? Are you messing with me?"

"Are we starting anything now? You don't know who I am!" She says as Zayn rolls his eyes. "Maybe some rich lady who doesn't care about anything but herself!" He snaps as her mouth opens a bit in shock as she was on the way to slap him when a voice poked them. "Mom, stop!"

Zayn looked behind him to see a brunette guy running towards them. He takes his side beside the lady as he looks at Zayn. "I'm sorry, my mum is just, I'm sorry." He says as Zayn nods. "Okay."

"You're in my class, hey, Zayn right?" He says ignoring the lady as Zayn nods with a smile. "I'm Denis. Denis Fray."

"Hey, the guy everybody talks about! You're the Denis!" Zayn says completely surprised as he nods with a chuckle. "It's just because Jacob Fray is my cousin."

"I know, I never saw you actually, are you attending the lecture tomorrow?" He asks ignoring the tapping to his mother's heels on the ground. "Yes, it's important so I will. You too? Maybe we can meet up."

"Yeah, sure, whatever, let's go Denis." She says as Denis shakes his head lightly looking at Zayn who chuckles and walks away with his keys and phone. He was opening his door when his phone starting ringing loud and clear.

It was from Niall as he guessed. "Speak up Niall."

"Hey, you weren't sleeping? Wonderful. Anyways, you know the weird relationship between Harry Styles and Genelia Andreas..."

"Wow, you called to tell me that? They're official now? Good."

"Shut up, she's official dating Jacob Fray!"

"No. This is for money, no. Impossible."

"Nope. Anyways should I meet you near the gate?"

"Yes, I met Denis Fray today. Something is weird Niall, weird..."

"You didn't! Jacob Fray's fucking cousin?! He's in our uni so whatever. He can talk? He doesn't really talk with anybody. People go ahead to talk but he doesn't really reply." He hears the boy say as he places the keys on the counter, taking his shoes off and walking to his room as he lays on the bed tired.

"Great, I'm special now,"

"Maybe he knows. The Harry stuff, this is all related and leading to Harry Styles! I smell destiny."

Zayn chuckles at his theory. He did know that Niall was an idiot, but he liked his company.

"He's a dork, I didn't even check my mail yet... I'm too bored for that, good night Niall!"

"Night Zayn."

He places his phone beside him as he closes his eyes, taking a cat nap knowing that he might wake up in the morning if he slept a little longer. That's what happened.


"I really want to meet him Jamie. I don't know, he's interesting. Idiot for sure." Harry says tossing the ball as his manager sighs. His last minute change did go well, Jamie couldn't believe that he asked for it.

They were in Harry's penthouse which was close to Jamie's house. He asked Jamie if they could discuss about the schedule for the week and then they were talking about the meeting. "So, what about Genelia?"

"She has Jacob, check the news, duh." Harry says as Jamie chuckles. "So little Harry doesn't have anybody to play with."

"I never played with her. We both wanted it." He says as Jamie looks at him curiously as he smiles. "You have to hook up soon with someone, are you sure that you're gay?"

"What?" Harry asks confused.

"Straight, I meant straight." He corrects as Harry chuckles; his green eyes dull from the work today. "I'm pretty sure I think."

"Yeah, we'll see." Jamie says.

"What do you mean by that?"

Jamie doesn't respond, he takes a sip of his gin as he smirks at the popstar who still looked confused knowing that these confusions were going to wash away soon.



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Hmm Jamie? What ya mean? XD
Jacob Fray is Louis Tomlinson, I just changed his name.

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