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Diana barged into the room, Ludendorff turned around.

"Oh, what a surprise," He said sarcastically, he furrowed his brows, she had a glowing lasso, a sword, and a shield. This wasn't good...

"Strange really, It is a shame that I have to dispose of you." Ludendorf raised his pistol and shot at her, Diana deflected the bullet on her bracelet, the bullet bounced off the bracelet and back into the barrel of the gun, making it explode, Ludendorff felt the heat of the weapon and dropped it on the ground shaking his hand as it was slightly burned. He was more than bewildered, this was no regular warrior.

"What are you?" He asked her.

"You will soon find out..." She said as she lunged for Ludendorff.


Ludendorff narrowly avoided her sword as he reached in his pocket and pulled out a flask. He opened it and inhaled the prototype gas, Ludendorff felt strong, he turned around and yelled as he charged as Diana, he grabbed a tank of hydrogen and lugged it at her hitting her, the tank split in half. Ludendorff charged and went for a haymaker when Diana blocked his fist with her bracelet, Ludendorff reared back and tried to hit Diana in the face but she also blocked it with her bracelet. She thrust her sword forward, Ludendorff sensed it with his heightened abilities, he dodged it and grabbed her arm, and slammed her into a window. Ludendorff disarmed her of her sword, grabbed Diana by the throat, and launched her to the ground. Diana quickly got up, Ludendorff grabbed a rifle with a bayonet and slashed at her, Diana gracefully dodged his blows, she disarmed Ludendorff and kicked him into a wall, cracking the surface. Ludendorff slouched to the floor, he saw her sword, so he lunged for it and got it, Diana's eyes widened and she went to punch Ludendorff but he dodged her shot, she turned around just in time to block Ludendorff's hit with her bracelets. Ludendorff overpowered her and knocked her to the ground, hitting her in the head with the bottom of the sword.

"As magnificent as you are, you are still no match for me!" He growled. He thrust the sword forward, but Diana caught it with her hands. Ludendorff tried to get the sword out of her hands but it didn't budge. 

"We'll see about that," She countered. Diana let go of the sword, now she was determined to bring an end to this evil man.

Ludendorff swung the sword down, Diana dodged it as the sword clanged against the floor.

(Insert the magnificent Wonder Woman theme song here)

Ludendorff swung for her head, Diana blocked it, she then twirled around and heel kicked Ludendorff through the roof. Ludendorff grunted as he stood upon the shattered glass on the roof. He still wondered who was this woman? Was she a goddess?

"I am Diana of Themyscira daughter of Hypolita, queen of the Amazons, and your wrath upon this world, is over." 

Diana jumped into the air, Ludendorff was staring at her as she wrapped her lasso around him and swung him into the air. She punched him as he yelled, they crashed into the roof of the facility, crippling the entire left side of the compound, Ludendorff was buried under concrete, Diana stood up, her mission was not done yet, she needed to find John Smith.

John walked into the hangar and greeted Lance.

"Reichsführer I suggest you evacuate, we will take care of the Amazon."

"No, Ludendorff is dead and I can't risk any more soldiers dying to that thing, call in reinforcements, and send out a distress signal to Overman." Lance's eyes widened.

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