The Assault

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Diana and Hypolita were locked in a cell, every time they moved they were shocked.

"I am giving you one last chance John, free us or you will face the consequences."

"I'm pretty sure you won't get far if you breakout, I made it very specific that if anything happens to me or my family, I would bomb Themyscira unless you want to cooperate with me."


"This is how a man acts, he keeps his loved ones in the light so he can die in the dark."

"When I get out I will dispense justice on this evil nation!" Diana yelled. Agent Dark went down the stairs, her blue irises shining within the dark chamber. She chuckled.

"I don't think that's going to happen on my watch, Princess, I have killed some of your kind before, they were strong, but I fight without mercy or conscience, I go for the head while they go for the throat, they are surprised when I severe their heads from their bodies. I am not."

"Agent Dark, is the trap ready yet?"

"Yes Reichsführer, as you ordered it."

"Excellent, make sure you head the defense, the heroes who surrender shall be cast to oblivion with these Amazons."

Diana started picking at her lock. Agent Dark smirked at Diana and left the room.

"Mother, you must promise me that if I free you that you must run to the shore, and regroup with the others and prepare to go to war, please swear upon Zeus."

"I will my daughter, I swear to Zeus."

"Good." Now she was awaiting the perfect time to escape.


A van pulled up to the front gates, a soldier greeted Leo, and the rest of the team inside the truck.

"You papers, Sturmann."

"We don't have papers. This is a special visit." 

"Your papers, NOW!" The soldier hissed, he raised his weapon at Leo, who made a face of 'alright'.

"Suit yourself but, uh, I think you better talk to our boss."

The window opened to reveal Oliver dressed up as the leader of the sacred German American Reich. 

"As you were." He asked.

"Mein Gott! My apologies sir." The soldier bowed and let them all through.

In the war room, Sturmbannführer Lance was organizing the defense force as Agent Dark entered the room. 

"Ah, Oberführer Zod, it is good that you come here, you see I was going to set you up on the rear guard-"

"Apologies Sturmbannführer, but Reichsführer Smith has given me the authorization to head the defense, you are to be under my orders."

"As you wish Oberführer Zod." Lance balled his fists again. Just as he was going to suggest something, Oliver walked into the control room.

"Hail Führer!" Oliver put up his hand, gesturing the soldiers to stay at ease.

He walked toward Lance, who scurried toward him, Agent Dark walked toward him too.

"Mein Führer, we were not expecting you," Lance answered briskly. Agent Dark rolled her eyes.

"Welcome back Mein Führer, how is Kara doing?"

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