Lost Stars

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(I don't know the song playing at the beginning of the scene but you can just go back and watch Crisis on Earth X part 1)

Shampane bottles are clinking, Joe West and his family are seen group hugging, everyone is having a great time. 

Mick Rory was stuffing his face full of snacks that the table currently had on display. He took a large swig of his beer and downed over 3 quarters in 1 gulp, it felt awesome to him. Some long-haired dude came up to him, he didn't know who he was but when he put down the bottle it revealed the face of Cisco.

"I never pegged you as a wedding guy," Cisco commented.

"I never pass up on a free buffet or an open bar," Mic said as he swiped and stole Ciscos drink and walked away, leaving Cisco without a drink and very annoyed. Mick then bumped into another girl he immediately recognized as Caitlin Snow, the woman they tried to kidnap a few years back.

"Sorry, didn't I try to kidnap you once?"

"Yes, and I wouldn't want to try that again," Mick scowled but he immediately backed off when her eyes frosted over into a shade of blue. 

Alex was talking with Sara as she downed multiple shots of scotch.

 Barry could not stop thinking about Kara, Iris told him that Mon-El was out of the picture, he felt so guilty about feeling this sense of relief, as if he had a chance with her. But fate, fate's tricky, he was destined to always be with Iris West, but he would be there for Kara, at least as her friend, no scratch that, Superfriend. 

Barry excused himself from talking with Iris, Oliver, and Felicity, when he saw Kara perched on the balcony of Jitters, he knew that she needed attention, Joe noticed and looked at Barry, he kind of knew what his son was doing, he had a feeling that Iris wasn't the one ever since he started dating her, it didn't feel right. So when Barry pointed to the balcony when Joe questioned him where he was going, his face lit up and he nodded at Barry, he knew that Iris was going to be sad, but honestly, he could forgive Barry if he broke the marriage with Iris, he was his son, after all, well almost his son. Barry made his way up the stairs, at each step his heartbeat increased, he saw a glimpse of his Kryptonian friend, she saw pain behind her beautiful face, and when he saw that dress... His brain didn't register a step and he nearly tripped, 'She looks so beautiful in that blue dress' Barry thought to himself. Kara was staring at the couples below her, she wondered why she didn't have that, she thought of Barry, it was now too late to pursue a relationship with him, she was curious when she had this feeling yesterday, but she realized that she too was harboring feelings for the Scarlet Speedster.

"Hey," She knew who it was, and she smiled widely, out of all the people in the room, he was the only one besides Alex who worried about her, people think that Supergirl is invulnerable and strong. But Kara Danvers was so weak and depressed, she lost the love of her life to fate, and when he finally returned, well he was married. He had moved on when she had waited for him, so had Barry, but it wasn't his fault, it was hers, she didn't take that opportunity that she had to be with him. She lost it forever.

"Hey," She answered back, not eager to start a conversation, especially given her recent feelings towards Barry. They both chuckled but Barry chuckled nervously.

"This is really nice, thanks for having us," Barry turned and looked down below, he couldn't bring himself to take in all of this wonderful girl in front of him, what if she didn't feel the same way he did about her? It would be way too awkward for him to break the marriage with Iris at this late in the relationship.

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