What's past is present

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A flash of pink lightning followed by the ground cracking came out of a breach, a woman skidded to a stop. She looked around, making sure she wasn't seen, she then flew up in the air and blasted up toward iron heights, when she arrived she had asked the warden again to see the speedster...

A man in a yellow jumpsuit was in a glass chamber along with another woman in a black jumpsuit, glowing green chains on her torso, her hands handcuffed. 

"I told you we need to warn myself back in 2017 about this, so you can be saved, it's an excellent plan if you ask me, it won't hurt the timeline too much, it just would make the creation of the Harun-El at the hands of Ms. Luthor earlier than anticipated. We need to send Alura back with the message when the power has been but off from STAR labs."

"Sounds like a plan, I'm sorry I doubted you."

"The plan will not fail Kara, I promise." 

"I hope so." 

A door opened and a woman walked in.

"What now Thawne? I did exactly what you told me and the events still happened! Will I even get to see my father?!"

"Patience Alura, we've been stuck here for 15 years Kara and I, planning ever since, and I think that after this event, you will indeed get the chance to know your father, but we need to keep you hidden from Devoe, did you disable the cameras he had in the West House?" 

"I did everything you told me to, all to the detail, can Bart and Dawn see him too?" Thawne chuckled.

"They are gonna have to wait a little bit, but I promise they'll see him someday, I need you to drop this message off in the old Timevault in STAR Labs, make sure that it's visible."

"What about Barry and Kara?" Alura asked, she felt bad for her parents, they had suffered so much.

"Don't worry Alura, when we escaped Earth-1 Barry had rescued Kara already, the love that they had is something that me and my Barry had," Kara said as she put on a nostalgic expression. Alura nodded.

"Go now Alura, or you'll miss your chance, and remember, do not talk to anyone that has a significant role in the crisis, I shouldn't have let you interact with your father during the ceremony, don't make me regret training you."

"Ahem, I believe you are taking all the credit, some of it goes to me too considering I told her how to control her powers, thanks Eobard," Overgirl said sarcastically. Thawne rolled his eyes.

"Go ahead Little Runner, go meet your father." 

Alura nodded and sped out, pink lightning trailing behind her.

Alura nodded and sped out, pink lightning trailing behind her

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How Alura Looks like played by the lovely Emily VanCamp.

"Do you think she suspects anything?" Overgirl asked Thawne as he was writing another speed equation down.

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