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you wake up, you were in the same room sana was cuddling you, you weren't wearing anything neither she was your face turned red  you immediately get out of the bed get on your clothes and you go on the balcony 

a man enters the home

Y/N " is the sana fiance "

you get out of the room rushing down the stairs in curiosity and then when it was you see him 

he looked like a foreigner but still had some Asian traits on his face, he was  sitting like a king on the sofa then he looks at you 

he looked like a foreigner but still had some Asian traits on his face, he was  sitting like a king on the sofa then he looks at you 

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you wondered and you had a jealous feeling inside 

Y/N " gosh is he, sana fiance, she will probably choose him rather than me "

he looks at you smile than bow " annyeong I am Vernon "

you do the same thing then the old lady enter the room 

Vernon " Konnichiwa "

samo mom " Sana wa Anata o matte iru hitsuyō ga arimasu " ( sana must be waiting for you )

Vernon nervously laugh 

Y/N " wait....how did he knew I was Korean "

 he sits backs and you sit beside him 

Y/N " well by the way how do you know I am Korean "

Vernon " I work as a detective in Korea and I was currently working with the top detective of Korea chou tzuyu  and the girl we have been looking for exactly looks like you "

he smirks

Vernon " should we call it a coincidence or we really  found you "

Y/N " a.. uh "

Vernon " just stay away from sana you also don't like her right "

Y/N "yes I don't like her !! "

Vernon " oh I see then she is mine don't worry she won't hurt you anymore now get back to her if my mother in law caught her naked in your room, hmm  you might get in trouble "

Y/N " how do you know "

Vernon " the hickeys on your shoulder lipstick slight mark on lips I know everything I am a detective you see.... "

you nod your head and run upstairs but as you remember the hickeys went away and what happened last night you don't remember at all

 you open the door then carefully close the door closing make sana awake 

sana wakes up her hairs were messy and as I said she wasn't wearing anything your face turned red you looked away immediately 

sana " why are you looking away "  

Y/N " sana get some clothes on "

she walks toward wrapping her hands around your nape you were sweating blushing she gives a peck at your cheek 

sana " we had lots of fun last time but unfortunately, you were sleeping " 

then she holds your chin forcing you to look at her 

sana " but next time I promise you would be awake "

you look at her your heartbeat went high 

Y/N " aish " you close your eyes tightly 

Y/N " sana your mom will see us "

she leaves you sana " oh yes I guess " 

she starts getting dressed and gets out of the room you take a sigh " I should have looked and it "

then you reach down and see the bell rang the maid rushed to attend the visitor then she enters your heart melted seeing her 

then you reach down and see the bell rang the maid rushed to attend the visitor then she enters your heart melted seeing her 

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she runs toward you and hugs you tightly " I missed you a lot " you keeping your hands on her back

mina " wish we could be like this forever but that witch has black eyes on us "

you look back it was sana she was looking at you both  with jealous eyes she walks toward you and separates both of you 

then the old lady enters 

samo mom " oh mina Konnichiwa "

mina " Konnichiwa " 

samo mom " Anata wa Sana kekkon no tame ni Koko ni imasu " ( ah mina after years came to attend her wedding )

mina " dame dame " ( no no )

samo mom " aww come on Sōdesu ka " ( is that so)

samo mom " Anata wa Doko ni mo ikanai " ( you aren't going anywhere )

samo mom " Kanojo o kyakushitsu ni tsureteiku " ( take her to guest room )

mina" ah I stay in the room Y/N is? " 

everyone looks at you 

samo mom " no problem "

sana " no! "

lapat " hey can I also share a room with her "

samo momo " nande kore " ( why is this )

sana " where did you came from "

lapat " I was there only you guys didn't notice me "

sana " nevermind who do you want to share the room with ??"

samo mom " I am going you guys talk "

lapat " yah you nevermind guys I am here to y/n I will make you laugh share your room with me"

sana " do I need to say "

mina " y/n you don't have to worry I am here share your room with me "

now the decision is up to you with whom will you share your room choose carefully cause you can hurt someone emotions trigger someone up and lapat ah..nevermind

lapat " yah why you "

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