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y/n " ah..not possible how to see now you are also stuck like me "

princy " did you even listened to what I just said "

y/n " princy ...how but you said you loved that jerk ..sorry I mean Pete "

princy took a sigh " I was scared y/n I was afraid that they will hurt me as they hurt you "

y/n " why do you love me I am a weirdo "

princy " shut up you are not a weirdo you are a really special girl a very kind girl who I will forever love "

nanno " time is up "

y/n " no-no !! " 

nanno push princy into the wall and princy disappears completely and get immersed in the wall 

y/n " PRINCY !! " you cried and start to bang the wall 

y/n " bring her back please "

nanno " you already said that you were ready to do it even if it ruined your life "

y/n " I was talking about death "

nanno " at your world you are already dead have a great day y/n " she smirks and she also passes through the wall

you punch the wall with lots of force but ended up hurting yourself 

at sana's cell momo enter the cell with the guest pass she was provided sana stared at her 

momo " so you again made your new doctor run away "

sana took a sigh 

momo " if you want I can go for a straight kill "

sana " no need "

momo " you want to kill her ?"

sana " no why would I kill my future wife "

momo " eh but your future husband is hansol Vernon chwe "

sana " I don't wanna marry a moron I don't even know him "

momo " but he is handsome "

sana " than marry him an "

momo " yah unnie you know right that...last time you told mom about Kim taehyung and your mom brutally killed him "

sana " so what "

momo " and told everyone you killed him and now you are here "

sana " so am I supposed to be scared and behave like a pussy cat "

momo " I'm just saying this girl will also die "

sana angrily pushes momo and she falls to the ground 

momo " ah my back are serious ok I won't say anything just you know that mom is coming to take you tomorrow evening so be ready " 

momo stood up and went out of the cell sana took a sigh 

sana " y/n is mine just mine momo I will not marry any Vernon " 

momo " yeah we will see bye for now " 

meanwhile, you saw someone who stops you and asks 

girl " hey are you ok you look so scared and umm are you new "

y/n " yes I am looking for miss jihyo "

girl " what do you do "

y/n "i..I am a doctor my patient name is sana "

girl " yeah I see so you are the new one I knew no one can treat her I won my bet again from jihyo"

y/n " bet ?? "

girl " yeah I bet on her that her new doctor will run away as well but she said she had faith anyways I am yoo jeongyeon umm you can go straight from here the last room is her office "

you head by your way as you enter the office you saw jihyo talking to someone on the phone 

jihyo " yeah sure there will be no problem yeah you can take her tomorrow thanks a lot for your kind donation ok I may keep now " jihyo

jihyo " oh you are the new one come, have a sit miss y/n "

you sit on her desk she hands you a file 

jihyo " minatozaki sana right this is her file " you read the file and got shocked 

jihyo " and the disorders written in this file you will never tell anyone if anyone asked what problem she has"

y/n " so what I say "

jihyo " she has obsessive-compulsive disorder "

y/n " bu- "

jihyo " please cooperate with us "

y/n " I want to change my patient! "

jihyo " tomorrow is her last day anyway so after that I will think "

y/n " what if I die by tomorrow "

jihyo " thank you, you may leave now "

you took a sigh and start walking out of the door you didn't go back you just wandered around and checked on your other patients who were less dangerous than sana 

you were sitting at your home after a hard day in your room you saw your brother sharpening his pencil 

y/n " hey your sharpener is cool "

brother " really you just told me to throw it because it was too fancy "

y/n " umm no I was wrong it is really cool "

you stood up and walked toward his study table now you talked to him while he was talking you slid one of his sharpener in your pocket and then you walked back 

y/n (yawns) "I am sleepy " you back to your room and closed the door 

The next day you got ready to go to the hospital and you really boldly entered the cell sana smirked and stood up from her bed you took out a small blade from your pocket 

sana " are you gonna hurt me from that tiny thing," she says in a sarcastic way 

y/n " not you myself, " you say while crashing it against your wrist 

sana " you think you will die by that tiny thing " 

y/n " I know I won't " sana came close to you and smash you against the wall 

sana whispers seductively in a manipulative way to you " I can hurt you more than that tiny thing just you and me and whenever you want I will hurt you as much as you want away from everyone " 

sana was really close to you, you were frozen at the place her one hand was on your shoulder and another hand on your cheek when she start kissing you she slowly bent her face and start sucking your neck 

y/n " sa...na no "

the lights went off

you thought now you are dead as the doors were also electrical now you can't run anywhere  but sana removed her hand from your shoulder 

sana walked back to her bed you couldn't see anything but you knew something was wrong suddenly someone appeared and the cell door was opened 

sana " okasan ..."

My patient ( sana × fem reader ) yandereWhere stories live. Discover now