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you were sitting in tzuyu home in your free time 

tzuyu " I know a little bit of Japanese " 

y/n " baka means sorry right! "  

tzuyu smiles " yeah say that to sana she will be a lot happy " 

y/n " oh okay but momo said it means idiot"

y/n " anyways tzuyu how are you so sure about that something wrong's about minatozaki's family "

tzuyu " long time ago when i worked as a police officer at japan a lady showed up she was scared there was blood in her hand she was crying "

flashback ( just imagine everyone is speaking japanese cause i am damn tired of translating that shit thank you :)) )

tzuyu stared at the clock 

2:33 am 

guy " tzuyu stop staring at the clock we have to stay here till 4 am "

tzuyu " shut up 1 minute just passed i am getting close " 

guy * sigh* 

a lady ran inside she was crying her body was covered with blood she cried 

lady " my daughter "

tzuyu " miss please sit down explain us " 

Lady " they killed my daughter they are evil the mina..tozaki " 

that lady faints tzuyu and that guy ran toward the nearest hospital next day her body disappeared from the hospital that made tzuyu curious and she diverted herself into this case she took out the whole history every year few of the maids disappear 

tzuyu stalked every member but found nothing suddenly she got to know about jungkook he was like a golden key 

flashback over

tzuyu gets a message she smirks after seeing that 

tzuyu " y/n you coming with me I found jungkook "

y/n " ooh  you found him cool i am in "

you reach there it was a cafe 

y/n " where he is "

tzuyu " oh there "

tzuyu " Konnichiwa " 

jungkook " it's ok you don't need to speak Japanese "

y/n  " i am sorry for you sana forced taehyung right? " 

jungkook " forced not at all they cheated on me taehyung loved sana "

y/n " what the fuck are you saying? "

back at mina 

mina at a Japanese restaurant 

mina " I was so hungry you know "

jeongyeon " yeah we can see hehe "

dowoon " mina don't eat in here i don't like it "

mina " so die i am not going to stop," she says while munching it 

jeongyeon giggles " she is too hungry "

Jeong " so where are we going next "

mina " i need an americano "

dowoon " come on you said your friend is in danger " 

mina " ok we can go after just one americano " 

Jeong " i told you we should have eaten in the airplane " 

dowoon " have you seen them no hygiene at all well can I get a bite of your burger " 

Jeong " no it's unhygienic you just starve "

at the other side 

Vernon " hey cutie " 

sana " fuck off " without expression 

Vernon " come on i am your future husband "

sana " get one step closer and you are dead "

Vernon " come on baby girl "    Vernon grabbed her waist 

sana hit his stomach with her arm and just walks out 

back at you 

jungkook " at that time i used to live in a flat with taehyung and i used to go to work " 

jungkook " I taehyung and taehyung stepsister used to live with us but taehyung said he felt lonely when I was out so we decided to rent out a room " 

jungkook " I remember she was starting her career In here she walked in she was too sweet too kind i felt something was off i used to come late "

jungkook " but that one day "


jungkook " sir i filled all the tenders " 

guy " yeah keep it on my desk and you may go out "

jungkook " sir i am going home early i am feeling sick "

guy " what happened just work anyways go afterwards "

jungkook " sir i have viral i can spread my disease then everyone will be sick then no one will come to work "

guy " umm go home ok and come back when you feel alright "

jungkook lied he wanted to surprise taehyung he bought some flowers and he enters the apartment with excitement he walks in before he could open the door he tried to listen to what's happening inside

sana " babe why do you look worried "

tae " what if we got caught "

sana " if he makes you worried i will kill him "

tae " you are joking, right? "

sana " no babe i will kill him we will and then it will be just both of us "

taehyung was manipulated by sana but it broke jungkook heart into thousand pieces 

jungkook with tears in his eyes he ran away in anger he took sana phone in anger and called the number mom 

lady " Konnichiwa " 

jungkook " your daughter is a cheater she took everything from me " 

the call got cancelled

after a few days jungkook ignored taehyung all the affection taehyung was trying to show to jungkook 

a lady appeared at sana home 


jungkook " she wasn't human she was the devil " 

jungkook burst into tears he cried you were comforting him 

tzuyu " what happened then "

jungkook " they took us here they tortured taehyung they tried to kill me but i survive"

 he bents down the table and pull over his jeans it was a wooden leg 

y/n " what did they do to taehyung " 

jungkook cried " t...terrible things "

My patient ( sana × fem reader ) yandereWhere stories live. Discover now