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in the last chapter, there were 5 comments and according to it y/n will stay with her family but u will know about sana soon too

so soon you fell asleep too but you see a vision you were running in jungle with mina and Irene they were wearing high school uniform  sana following you she was covered in blood laughing like a maniac she shoots you on your arm ;

you could feel the pain mina shoots sana and you woke from your bed you immediately roll up your sleeve and you see the bullet scar 

you rush down see zeyu on the couch 

zeyu " oh mom i wanted to tell you we are getting summer holidays pleaseee let's go somewhere"

y/n " we will see what your mama say ok i got some work go to sleep now today is Sunday "

zeyu " please can i come with you "

you took a sigh 

y/n " ok first let me see " you call jihyo 

jihyo " hello "

y/n " i need some answers jihyo can we meet at the cafe near the mental hospital "

jihyo " ok i was on my walk i am already on my way see you there "

you started the car with zeyu in the backseat, zeyu didn't talk much you were also silent on your way till the cafe you enter the cafe with your son and sit there with jihyo 

jihyo " ooh zeyu you were so small when i first met you now look at you you are so grown how old are you "

zeyu " i am 14 " 

jihyo " wow nice y/n what you wanted to ask "

y/n  " how did sana end up " 

jihyo " who say she ended "

y/n " she didn't die ?? "

zeyu " mom who is sana "

y/n " a monster " 

jihyo giggles " you still are scared of her "

y/n " where is she now "

jihyo " i heard she went in a coma in Japan but i got no idea where is she now " you could feel terror 

jihyo " don't look back y/n you got a lovely family don't try to go back that will hurt you only "

zeyu " mom what are you talking about " zeyu curiosity started increasing 

y/n " i am scared jihyo all the way i just tried to run "

jihyo " than stop running face her "

zeyu " mom what happened "

jihyo " zeyu your mom is just afraid of something non-existent"

zeyu " huh ? "

y/n " well I gotta say "

jihyo " what "

y/n " here coffee suck "

jihyo " whatever wish you the best of luck " you stood up taking zeyu and started driving back 

mina wakes up from hearing the voice of you both entering 

as mina walks down the stairs

mina " good morning " 

zeyu " mamaaa please let's go out somewhere this summer holiday "

zeyu " please let's go to japan i want to see the comic con pleaseee "

My patient ( sana × fem reader ) yandereWhere stories live. Discover now