special q n a

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hello, this is your author on this side and I asked my friend to read my story and ask me questions because-

friend " hey don't reveal my real name "

me " so what the fuck should i call you "

friend " any name is ok for me "

me " ok asshole so ask me "

friend " i don't trust you, you even revealed your crush name "

me " yeah because that's different and the name i used is just her nickname, not even her real name "

friend " literally dude you made her look so evil i feel bad for that poor girl "

me " i wanted to torture my main character you don't get it"

friend " so next what you will make me Hitler ?"

me " well it's actually a good idea "

friend " no fuck off "

friend " so..whatever so my first question how are you "

me " next question " :,)

friend " ok so what is the story about "

me " it's about a girl obsessed with someone "

friend " so why is there time travel? "

me " i was also thinking of adding mermaid harry potter stars war and avengers then they all will go and fight Thanos "

friend " i don't know why you got so many, readers "

me " no it's a master idea you don't have the brain to-"

friend " but Thanos already ended "

me " no they all will time travel when Thanos was baby then they will go to her mother and -"

friend " why the fuck are you bringing Thanos if this story is about girl obsession "

me " umm next question "

friend " what is lmkvl "

me " what the fuck are you saying "

friend " i actually read your whole stupid story and in one chapter Vernon said lmvkl there were so many comments "

me " i might have sneezed lol "

friend " do you even read your story? "

me " Nah i don't even preview i just publish "

friend " such an asshole you made me read your whole story which went up of my head "

me " not my fault but actually, i also didn't understand i just made time travel because i was influenced by avengers endgame "

friend " gosh all of your marvels fan are childish i prefer dc"

me " yeah yeah go and watch your black and white movie "

friend " we got heath ledger what you got "

me " yeah you dc fans only scream about heath ledger all the time anything else "

friend " ok shut up it's you q n a meet me after this "

me " yeah yeah uhumm back to the topic "

asshole " so why is she obsessed with y/n "

me " WHAAAT YOU DON'T KNOW ???? " 

asshole " what- "

me " she is fucking y/n everyone loves her "

asshole " but there is supposed to be a good reason "

me " she is y/n that's it shut up "

asshole *sigh* " now ok what is the ending "

me " actually-"


me " what the fuck why did you come out of the story "


y/n " IT SERIOUSLY FEEL LIKE THIS AUTHOR HATES ME " * sobs aggressively*

me " why would I? now fuck off back to the story shoo shoo "

Asshole " ah hey gotta go i promised to play cricket with my friend "

me " what wait you didn't tell me "

asshole " not my fault that you are a loner "

me " ok friends that's it for today guys this asshole wanted to leave his one and only friend alone so yeah bye "

asshole " you can come to "

me " fucking i can? "

asshole " you fucking can come now loner looser "

My patient ( sana × fem reader ) yandereWhere stories live. Discover now