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the car starts moving you were on the back seat after a while you weakly sit up and in anger try to smash the window 

sana " yaah are you crazy "

your head was paining your eyes went white you kept smashing your head on the window 

sana immediately stops the car 

you fell out she gets out of the car 

y/n " the end is near," you say weakly 

sana " what are you murmuring " 

y/n  " the end is near " you kept repeating 

sana " just shut up " she punches you 

y/n " the end " you faint 

your eyes open in the hospital bed 

sana was sitting next to you

nurse "Kanojo wa daijōbudesu ōkina kega wa arimasen " ( she is fine no major inury ) 

sana " Hai, sore wa anshindes " ( yes that's a relief )

you weakly look at her 

back at mina's house

mina " you know to be honest I felt in love with her and not you " 

Y/N " am I that unlikable "

mina " yes you are "

Y/N *sigh* " at least she would be alive until she is away from me the more close we are and poof her death "

mina " what? "

Y/N " You didn't hear me I said the death of her if she stays around me for a long time "

mina " then why don't you send her back at her time "

Y/N " I only care about my family she is no one to me and she should've grateful she is alive "

mina " I don't care we are going to save her "

Y/N " I tried to save you !!! are you serious " 

mina " we should be grateful to her she saved us  " 

Y/N " great then go and die " 

zeyu " mama don't go "

mina " zeyu stay with your mom if you care for me " 

zeyu " mama "

Y/N " zeyu !! come back here " 

back at you 

what was weird that you don't remember a thing, you don't remember smashing your head or murmuring end was near the stuff 

sana " you are weird " 

y/n " my head is paining and my jaw as well and I don't know where am I,you know sana I am scared "

sana " you should be scared you damaged my car window and that's not what I am worried about  "

y/n " then what ?? " 

she suddenly hugs you 

sana " I am worried about you " 

y/n " ah...sana it hurts "

sana " I don't care " she was still hugging you 

you smile a bit 

y/n " where are we going " 

sana " somewhere we can be alone " 

sana passionately kisses you after a while she starts the car you sit in the front seat with her and you both started going where the road takes

back at mina 

she was desperately looking for you she drives to a police station and started yelling at the policeman to trace the car 

mina " I am asking for a small thing you can't even do it !! you are dumb !! what is this police force for huh !!!?? "

police " ah miss it doesn't work that wa-"

mina " so you are going to tell me! shut up and trace this " 

mina " so you are going to tell me! shut up and trace this " 

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Yuta" oye who is ruining my morning " 

guy " ah ohayo sir"

Yuta " what's your problem miss "

mina " I want to trace a car "

back at you 

sana " shit we are low on diesel " sana stops the car on a petrol pump 

sana " hey fill it please " 

the lady fill the tank then sana smirk and starts the car in full speed 

y/n " what the - "

sana " do you think I brought anything while kidnapping you "

y/n " o-"

sana " don't worry that's the fun of it hehe " 

back at mina 

Yuta " what's the car no. may I know it, miss "

mina " XXXX "

Yuta get's a call 

Yuta " it such a small task tell anyone else to do man it just a robbery of the small amount of diesel what do they say, what the window was broken? what was the car no. "

Yuta keeps the phone with a smile 

Yuta " found them "

My patient ( sana × fem reader ) yandereWhere stories live. Discover now