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it was night time you enter the room, you were just thinking about the stupidity that jungkook did, he could have confronted them 

you lay on the bed lost in your own thought so lost that you didn't notice momo wasn't there and someone opens the door 

but you were too lost to notice it suddenly the person jump on the bed and you came back to your senses 

y/n " fuck "

y/n " sana you almost gave me a heart attack "

sana " not my fault you were absent-minded "

y/n " where is momo why are you here "

sana " in my room "

y/n " why are you here " 

sana " come on y/n you know why I am here don't you " 

y/n " i don't have what you want, go back to your Vernon," you said without any expression 

she grabs your hand and pulls you closer 

sana " you got everything i want so shut up "

Your face got red 

y/n " stop flirting " 

she was over you 

y/n " ouch "

she looked at your thigh 

sana " what was that " 

y/n " no..nothing " 

sana forcefully removed your pant and she sees cuts on your thigh 

y/n " please leave me " 

she pushes you on the bed she grabs your thigh tightly while kissing you 

she stabs your cuts with her nails you wanted to scream but she kept kissing you her nails were going in and out of the cuts you felt like hell 

sana suck your neck 

y/n " sa..sana, please, " you said while crying 

sana stops and then she lays on your body ( she sleeps)

your thigh was burning like hell you were feeling so pain suddenly she comes close to your ear and whispers 

sana " now before cutting yourself always think about me " 

she gets off you and sleeps on the side of the bed 

The next morning you wake up sana wasn't in the bed you woke up and look at your thigh the blood dried up over it but it was still hurting when you move your leg 

you wear your pants and walk suddenly my phone gets a notification 

I opened my phone 

unknown number 

hey sorry i lied I need to tell you the truth at the same cafe please only you come don't bring tzuyu with you I will be waiting for you at 11

you look at the time 10:30 

y/n " shit I have to go faster "

I got ready and I ran out, the cafe was near I sat there waiting for jungkook 

he sat in front of me with a pang of guilt on his face 

jungkook " so I lied taehyung loved her he proposed to her and I knew it I was just holding onto him I thought if sana died everything will return to back as it was just me and taehyung " 

y/n " oh " 

jungkook " I lied to taehyung step sister jeongyeon that sana is torturing taehyung "

jungkook " and then I confronted taehyung I know about him and sana but ...he said sorry and instead of hugging me he went to her " 

jungkook " I had enough I threatened her but she laughed she just ticks me off " 

jungkook " i tried killing her but by mistake, i shot taehyung and she survived " 

y/n " so it has nothing to do with sana family "

jungkook " yes it does sana sister momo told her family and they came to kill me because i witnessed the scene but i got away with a wooden leg  "

y/n " well jungkook i don't know what to say but don't worry i will support you no matter what "

jungkook looks at you with a shock " even though I killed him "

y/n " i see you have been suffering for a long time and already have been guilty so please don't go so hard on yourself "

back at the beach house

mina finally get there she was welcomed by the family warmly because mina and sana were high school friends 

mina was taken to her room but her eyes went on momo's room ( where you slept ) 

 she saw your clothes and blood on the bed  

maid " miss "

mina " Dōzo watashi wa anata ni oitsukimasu " ( go ahead I will catch up ) 

mina enters the room she sees blood droplets on the bed she felt insecure she went back toward the hall angrily to ask sana where Is y/n 

mina " where is y/n ?? "

sana " Watashi no pokettoni " ( in my pocket ) 

mina " sana " 

sana " Sakuya wa totemo tanoshikattadesu watashi wa kanojo no ashi no ma ni imashita " ( well last night we had a lot of fun i was between her legs)

you enter the beach house and both the girls staring at you 

mina " y/n .."

My patient ( sana × fem reader ) yandereWhere stories live. Discover now