"We're not loners. Would you just go away?" He growled, looking back at his phone.

I looked to Yamaguchi who shrugged and I pat his head out of adoration. He was a bit of a dick sometimes but he was quite cute.

Walking over to the forgotten 2nd years i noticed they seemed a bit out of it too. Ennoshita gave me a smile still. i gave him a light punch on the shoulder, "you're so quiet today."

"I'm always quiet." He shrugged.

"You're more quiet than usual. You doing alright?" I lifted my hands to his face and pulled up his lips to smile.

"Geez you don't have to do all that." he laughed and pushed my hands away, "but i'm fine, games like these make me upset that i don't give volleyball my all." he looked at the ground.

"Well you still have time, this isn't your last game, or your last year. Keep it up!" i gave him two thumbs up and accidentally backed into Asahi.

"Oh sorry Hoshiko." He said, putting his hand on my head for a second.

"Hoshiko?" i asked, looking up at him.

his eyes got wide and he looked down at me, "Oh! I'm sorry I won't call you that if you don't want me to!"

i reached up to his shoulder and pat it, "Relax, i was just suprised you even knew my first name."

"Well you know, Noya and Tanaka don't stop talking about you and Kiyoko so i'm pretty used to hearing it." He laughed, looking over at the two who were being engulfed in a hug by Tanakas older sister.

right as i started to take in her appearance she make eye contact with me and her eyes lit up, "SAKAI RIGHT?" She shouted in joy, disrupting everyone near her.

i smiled, "Yes, you're the Tanaka's sister, right?"

"Yeah, call me Saeko, or sis, i like both of those." She grinned, showing her perfect teeth off.

"It's nice to meet you Saeko, I hear Tanaka tell stories about you all the time." i thought back to all of the times he would talk about her in class.

"He does? I hope it's nothing bad!" She took Tanaka into a choke hold and gave him a noogie. Tanaka started swatting his sister off while Nishinoya laughed. I saw Asahi fighting between laughter and worry.

I exchanged a look with Tanaka, "Never." i said, not lying but i'm sure i've heard more than she would want me to. though the time she walked in on him peeing out his window is pretty funny.

"Well squirt, i'm gonna take a smoke break." She told Tanaka, releasing him from her arms.

"Okay, are you staying to watch our next game too?" Tanaka stood, massaging his neck.

"Yeah. don't worry." She smirked and pulled out a cigarette as she walked out, "Don't bother Sakai too much." she said to tanaka, though she winked at me. I blushed and looked at Tanaka who was riling up to fire back but got bumped into by a hyper Hinata.

Hinata quickly apologized and explained he was trying to show Kageyama's parents how fast he was.

speaking of Kageyama he was the only one who had both of his parents present. i decided to go over and introduce myself seeing i was one of two managers. I was tempted to have Kiyoko come with me but she looked interested in what Daichi's mom was saying.

I walked over to Kageyama and his parents as they mused over how clumsy the red haired boy was. "Hello, you must be Kageyama's parents, right?"

They both looked over with similar expressions of confusion. Am i wrong? I can't be, i can see kageyama in both of them.

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