"Do you know me..?" I know she doesn't. I would've remembered someone this ethereal. I would've remembered seeing any elves. They all look ethereal. 

Before she can answer me Knox says something quickly in what must be their native language. Rose nods, like something clicked in her brain.

"Yes, of course. Mia, you must be tired. We have arranged for you to stay here, and have a room ready. Knox will lead you there, and I promise we'll explain everything tomorrow, when you've had a chance to... take in all of this."

As she's talking it dawns on me just how tired I am. More than I thought. And not just my feet, which are already pulsing with aching pain, but my brain too. Travelling into another world can take a lot out of a person I guess.

"That would be great, thank you so much."

Rose nods, says something I don't understand to Knox, then heads to a room to my right, closing the door behind her.

"C'mon, it's this way," Knox says gently. Even he sounds tired. 

After taking two flights of stairs we reach another hallway, large and similar to the previous two floors, with paintings and tapestries and lanterns lighting the hallway. There is a window at the end of the hallway, but by now it's so dark I can't see outside. All of the rooms down this way have doors, dark brown with carvings in them. 

Our feet pad almost silently down the hallway, and I relish at how quiet it is up here. Knox stops at the last door on the left, stepping aside when I walk to stand in front of it. I blink at the door, then look over at Knox.

"You have to place your hand on it. Anywhere. It'll recognize your hand print and let you in."

"Does it only recognize my hand print?" I gape, barely believing this. It's just a door, how can it be engineered like that?

"Yes. If you ever want someone else to 'have a key,' so to speak, you can change it to allow as many people as you want to be able to get in. But right now, only you."

I nod, unable to keep the little-kid-in-a-theme-park look off my face. This is really cool. So I step up and place my right hand on the door. To my surprise the vines carved into the door shift, moving to trace my hand. A split second later the door clicks and opens a crack.

"Woah," I breath, watching the vines go back to their original place like snakes sliding along the wooden surface.

"Alright. Sleep as long as you want, my mother and I will be downstairs when you're ready. There are all the clothes you will need in your wardrobe."

I look down at the dress I'm currently wearing, then back at up Knox, who's face is dancing with shadows from the candles.

"Why did we go to the dress shop if I have clothes in my room?"

Knox gives me a small smile. "I thought you might like the experience. Plus I thought you could use the warmth for a minute."

I nod, laughing awkwardly. "I definitely did. And hey, thanks for.... Saving my life. God, still sounds crazy to say."

"Of course, and you'll get used to it, if that makes you feel any better."

A nervous smile tugs at my lips as I shake my head a little, looking down at my boots. I don't know if I want to get used to that.

"Okay, goodnight," Knox says, starting to back away. I give him a little wave as I head for my door.


I watch him for a second, how his hair swishes around as he turns his back to leave, how he walks with such grace and purpose. After a second I head to my door, but stop when my hand touches the doorframe to look back down the hall.

Knox is gone.

I frown in confusion. The hallway is so long, he shouldn't be able to make it there that fast. But my drooping eyes and muffled brain tell me to worry about that later, so I walk into my room and shut the door. 

Lanterns line the walls, shedding a surprisingly bright but cozy light inside. My room is big, probably as big as my living room and kitchen at my house combined. Against one wall is a wooden-framed king sized bed with cream colored sheets and a grey, really soft looking blanket folded at the end. There are at least four pillows with cream covers. But what makes me almost squeal like a little girl is the canopy that hangs over the whole thing, with a sheer white silk draped over the wooden posts. On each side of the bed are smooth wood nightstands with lanterns placed on them. There are two large windows on the other side of the room from me, which currently are covered by thick curtains. Past the bed I notice a dark leather couch in front of a wall of full bookshelves and a fireplace. That sight makes my smile even bigger. 

Walking to the other side of the room I spot a closet, which upon inspection is home to undergarments, sleepwear and armor. Huh. Heading to the left of the closet I open a clean, rich brown wardrobe to find, hanging on wool-padded wooden hangers, at least ten dresses and multiple pairs of shirts, pants, and skirts. On the wardrobe floor is a line of winter-looking shoes, similar to the ones I have now. I cover my mouth as a laugh escapes it. This is every girls dream. A huge wardrobe with a ton of stuff. As I finally shut the wardrobe doors, I noticed an arched doorway straight on the other side of the room as the bed, next to the bookshelves. Opening the door I find myself in a large bathroom with a shower, tub, and long granite vanity with a sink and a mirror above it. What I find interesting is the lack of metal. I don't see a single piece. The tub is a large clawfoot tub made of stone, and the shower head is just a part of the wooden wall that has holes in it. There is glass, but it's textured and warps my vision, like it was hand made. Even the mirrors have intricate wooden frames instead of metal. I guess in this world wood doesn't rot.

I don't think too long on it, though, because as my excitement calms down my brain finally has time to let the events of today sink in. My eyelids droop as I lazily take my hair out of its falling-apart braid, brushing it out with a hairbrush I found in a drawer under the sink. I don't even bother brushing my teeth. My aching feet drag on the floor as I head to the closet, stripping off my dress, placing my boots in the wardrobe, and grabbing a pair of clothes from the closet that I think is what they wear to sleep here. A simple pair of white shorts and matching tank top.

The minute I get under the soft silk sheets, pulling the heavy blanket over my body, I let out a sigh at how good it feels. I feel safe.

The second I place my head on the pillow, I'm out.


Fun fact I have all the chapters written already, I'm just re-reading them all to edit them. I'll probably have the whole book posted within the next few days!


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