Chapter 6

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Y'all excited for next week's ep? KITA IS FINALLY PLAYING ❤️


Kita's POV

"How Long do you plan to stay on top of me?"

I looked down to her as she blushes,mumbling a sorry before quickly standing up and adjusting her clothes.

I stood up and tried to dust off dirts that were on my butt when I fell down.

My heart was weirdly beating very fast but I decided to ignore it.It is probably because this is the first time a female has gotten so close to me.

"L/N,are you alright?" I asked her as she nodded shyly.Why is she shy?

"Aye Y/N-san,are you blushing?"Atsumu teased her as the rest of the boys let out a few Oooooos.

I smacked the back of his head and glared at him silently.This boy,along with his twin has been giving me troubles since the day they stepped into the gym.Every practice,they do not fail to give me headaches.After countless brutal and harsh punishments,they do still not learn their lessons and continue to bicker with each other.I don't get it.What is there to argue about? Is the punishment not harsh enough?Maybe next time I should hang the both of them up and eat delicious food in front of them.

From the corner of my eyes,I saw Suna smirking while holding his phone up.I sighed,knowing that he probably either video recorded the whole scene,or take pictures of it,or maybe both.

He caught me staring at him as he quickly shoved his phone inside his pockets while looking elsewhere.

"Suna,delete it now." I said to him coldly while he clicked his tongue in annoyance and showed me that he had already deleted the videos and photos.

"Rest of you,go and help Y/N to set up the court while I will go and have a meeting with the rest of the club leaders." And off I go to the meeting.


I watched as Kita's figure disappeared behind the door.The rest of the members placed their bags along the side of the walls and started springing into actions.

I followed them behind like a lost puppy as the team was guiding me and explaining their volleyball routines.

Apparently, this is the planned schedule for today.

- warm up ( 2 laps around the school , push up x 50 , sit ups x 50 , 10 mins of stretching )


- practicing on receives

- practicing on serving and spiking


- Practice match ( 6 V 6 )

- Pack up, debrief, go home

Honestly it didn't look that bad FOR THEM.I mean, they are boys right? Boys normally have good stamina, so it should be easy for them.

"Hey Y/N, wanna join us in training?" Atsumu asked me as his eyes twinkled in delight. Osamu scrunched at Atsumu's comment before slapping his twin's back.

"She's a manager. She doesn't need to join us for training. Even so, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to see your disgusting face all the time."

"Shut the fuck up Samu! I just want to get closer to our manager!" Atsumu pouted while huffing out in annoyance.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now