Chapter 5

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Most of my classmates are still whispering to each other about me and Kita even after Kita left.

I mentally stab all of them at the back of my head. Some stupid people just really love to gossip..

"So you and Kita huh?"A familiar voice interrupted my thoughts as I whipped my head to the direction of the voice. It was the dark blue coloured hair girl from the gym, she was one of the nominated candidates for the manager role.

"There is nothing between us.We are just having a normal lunch like everyone else."

"Mhm if you say so!" The girl said while grinning and clasping her hands together again.

"By the way,I forgot to introduce myself!My name is Jabami Yumeko,we are from the same class!"Yumeko stuck her hand out while I did the same.

"Mine is (L/N) (Y/N),"I smiled at her as her eyes twinkled in delight.

She then sat beside me as we started talking about random stuff.Mostly talking about how stress school is.It felt like only 5mins when the bell rang,signaling the end of lunch.Yumeko gave me a small wave before going back to her seat,which is at the front of the classroom.


*Fast forward to end of school*

I dragged my lazy ass to the gym.I already want to go home and embrace the warm of my bed but sadly I cant due to club activities.

The gym was empty when I reach there.I put my belongings on the bench as I debated on what to do..well..what can I do?

I thought back about how the boys packed things up this morning.Maybe I can help to set the nets and stuff up.I went to open up the store room and immediately started coughing from all the dust flying towards me.I vividly recall that the boys were carrying 2 poles and a Long net for the court.I saw 2 of em at the corner as I decided that I would bring both of them out and set it there.I mean,they look kinda light right?

But boy I was wrong.It was so heavy that I couldn't even lift it up,let alone even make any changes to its current position.And this is how I was stuck at the same spot for 5 minutes,trying to lift the pole up until I heard a laugh.I turned around only to be greeted by a spiky black hair dude laughing at me while standing him was a dark coloured skin dude.If I recall,the one laughing at me was called Michinari Akagi while the one behind him was Ojiro Aran.I blushed profusely while staring at the both of them.Did I just got caught?!fuck this is so embarrassing

I want nothing more then to dig a hole and bury myself into it right now.

"Come on,don't be so mean Akagi,she's a girl after all."Ojiro senpai said while smiling at me.I gave him a nervous smile back while both of them walk towards me.Akagi was still laughing as he wiped a small tear on his left eye."L/N-san,leave the poles to us alright?You can go and help to take out the Volleyballs."Akagi senpai said while giving me a warm smile.I nodded and ran out of the storeroom quickly,wanting to get out of the situation.Unfortunately,I didn't see a certain grey hair with black tips male in front of me,hence accidentally bumping into him,causing both of us to fall down.

"Uh oh.."I heard someone said behind me before hearing a camera click sound.Which bitch is taking photo of me???

I heard a groan below me a I realised that I was on TOP of someone..or specifically,my face was squashed at the person's chest.Dang this person must be tall.I immediately lift up my face to see Kita in a pain expression below me.I stared at him wide eyes ,realising what I have done.

"S-shit! I am so sorry Kita senpai!Please forgive me!"I yelped out nervously while thinking about how much I fucked up during my first day as a manager.

"Is okay L/N-san..."Kita said in pain while looking at me.

"How long do you plan to stay on top of me?"

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now