Even without a proper plan, she believed he would fix things. Even though he had told her that it was the Beast's job to do what Nerin was trying to do, she still followed him. They could both be either doing something pointless, or walking straight to their deaths, but she didn't seem to care. It was either bravery or stupidity, he wasn't sure which. She was far too naive for what was going on, but there was no way to send her back.

"Thank you," he said and tossed his half-eaten apple to her. His appetite was gone.

While Ashera ate with a joy he couldn't muster, he sat against the wall of the cart, the fabric covering brushing against his hair. The cart bumped over the road and he grunted with every jolt. When he eventually came out in Ziya, his body would be riddled with bruises from the rough travel.

Then the cart slowed to a stop in a matter of seconds and he was pushed against a nearby crate. The apple core fell from Ashera's hand and she grumbled in irritation. Nerin pressed a finger to his lips and huddled behind the crate as voices filled the air.

"Where are you headed?" one asked, deep and commanding.

"The northern front," the person driving answered, sounding bored. There had been a few checks since they had left, and Nerin and Ashera had been able to hide, but none of them checked the back of the cart, nor did they say where they were.

But there was something in his gut that said that this time would be different. "Where from?" the man outside asked.


"Come a far way, haven't you?"

"Still got a fair way to go," the driver said and yawned.

For a second, Nerin hoped that that would be it and they would be on their way, then the man had to open his mouth again. "Mind if we check the back?" he asked in a tone that said the driver had no choice in the matter.

Ashera made a noise in the back of her throat when the driver spoke again. "I don't see why not," they mumbled and grunted when their feet landed on the ground barely a foot from where Nerin sat.

If they stayed hidden behind the crate, they would be fine. It wasn't as if the guards would actually get in and check behind every single crate. They would be fine. But even as he thought the words he doubted them, tensing as footsteps and the sound of clanking metal moved around to the back of the cart. Ashera pressed herself next to him, her breath coming out in short pants.

He held a hand over her mouth as the flap opened and dull midday light filled the cramped space. "Just food and stuff, huh?" the guard asked, lifting the lid of the nearest crate.

"And stuff," the driver replied. Nerin's breath was caught in his throat and he prayed to whoever would listen that the guards would go away. But they didn't. One climbed into the back of the cart and the driver said nothing, just let them do it.

If they climbed all the way to the back, there was no way that Nerin and Ashera could get away without being caught. There was nothing they could do except sit and wait and hope that they wouldn't be spotted. Her hand clutched his tightly, but he couldn't do anything to assure her that they would be alright.

"What's this?" the man in the cart with them said and Nerin's heart leapt into his throat. "An apple core?"

Ashera's apple. She had dropped it when they'd stopped and neither of them had thought to pick it up. How could they have been so stupid? There wasn't a second to think of anything before a helmet appeared before him and a hand grabbed the collar of his shirt. With both of them in hand, the guard shoved them out of the cart and into the waiting hands of a party of guards outside.

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