Yuki - Fight Like A Girl

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Hmmm female pronouns go brr

You always seemed so far away when it came to trying to connect. It was as if a chasm divided you from everyone and everything else. No one could get close to you and maybe when all was said and done, that was what made you and Yuki Sohma so similar.

You had "friends" people you spoke with regularly but you didn't have people you confided in. People you felt safe with. The feeling of safety was foreign. "Safety" wasn't a thing you could experience. Every day was a fight to get through each day. After school, you seemed to vanish. No one was sure where you lived or where you could possibly go. Maybe this is the reason Yuki Sohma decided one day, to follow.

Curiosity about you got the better of him. Risk or no risk, he had to find out more about you. As he followed he noticed how far you walked from school to wherever it may be that you lived. You turned around very suddenly, you looked at Yuki for about five seconds, you rolled your eyes and continued walking the way you had before.

Yuki followed you the whole way, though you didn't seem to care. You lead him to a martial arts dojo. Yuki hadn't been aware that there was a dojo within walking distance from the school. He wondered if she was a student there or if someone she knew was a student.

She ducked inside the building. Yuki waited just inside by the door. The place wasn't big though it didn't exactly need to be. At best, the place could fit about ten people. Yuki watched as you walked out of another room separate from the padded area. From the opposite end, seven girls came out. They looked to be in middle school.

"Alright girls!" You said and they all stood at attention. You weren't a student. You were the instructor.

Yuki had to admit he was impressed, though he wasn't sure how she secured this kind of job while also having school. One girl with short blonde hair raised her hand.

"Yes, Mika?" You called. The girl gestured to Yuki and he locked eyes with you.

"Who is that?" She asked.

"A... friend, he's just sitting in righ-"

"Can he fight?" A brunette girl asked.

"Well... I dunno" you admitted.

"Some would argue I'm the best in my family" Yuki wasn't sure why he said that. Maybe because he wanted to impress you?

"Best in the family, huh? That's bold" amusement was written in your words. "Girls, whaddya think? How about a demonstration... I'm sure we could all learn a thing or two"

A younger girl tugged on Yuki's shirt sleeve.

"We have a saying in here. A miss never misses. Be careful" she said. Yuki was beginning to have second thoughts.

"You can get changed in the back," you said and Yuki knew he couldn't back out now.

Once Yuki was dressed in the proper attire he stood across from you and there was a tense moment of silence. The seven younger girls sat and watched the showdown.

"Alright, girls, you know what to do," you said.

Yuki made the first move and he felt nervous. He's never felt nervous to fight someone before.

"You gotta-" you started

"Fight!" the seven girls chimed in.

"With honor"


"Or you're a goner"


"And stay focused all the time!" you were smiling as you moved faster than Yuki had seen anyone move. "You gotta-"


"With spirit!"


"You'll feel it!"


"When your home is on the line!"

In an instant, Yuki was on the ground.

"That's what it means to fight-" you helped up your classmate "like a girl," you said.

Once the class was over and everyone left the dojo Yuki stuck around to talk with you.

"You teach seven girls to fight?" He asked.

"Yeah. They all live in pretty bad spots and need to know how to protect themselves. I had this place built and took over the teachings so they felt safe and comfortable here" you explained. Yuki was surprised, to say the least.

"Nobody really knows about this place and it's better if fewer people know about it. The last thing I want is for the girls to be seen as a 'challenge'" Yuki understood what you meant.

"Want me to walk you home?" He offered. You smiled softly and nodded.


The whole way Yuki asked you questions and you answered them. Letting someone in after completely decking them moments prior felt okay. 

"How'd you come up with that verse earlier?" Yuki asked.

"It's originally a song, I just figured it fit" you admitted, and then the silence fell but it was soon filled with the soft humming as you had a smile on your face. "You should come back some time" you finally said.

"Maybe I will" Yuki stated.

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