Kyo - Breathe

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This chapter was requested by @alyssajj11 they made a really nice synopsis for this chapter and I think it's really cute!! This'll be a long one so get ready! <3

TW: Mentions of Ab/se

I'm gonna use female pronouns cause it's more natural for me

Reader PoV:
The rain was soaking my clothes, my hair, and the bandages that covered the cuts and bruises on my arms. My body was sore as I walked the busy streets of the town. I could feel the beast clawing at my insides. It wanted out but I couldn't let it out... I couldn't.

I was never very sure of myself. Nothing really ever worked out for me. My family hates me. People tend to hate me. Hell, I hate me.

There's only one person I've ever known who doesn't hate me. We're both so damaged it feels like all we have is each other. We just want to be loved. Is that too much to ask?

I can't breathe.

I felt like I was dying. I felt like my world was about to crumble away, shatter like glass. I needed to reel back my thoughts but I couldn't keep it all straight. The images flashing through my eyes.

My legs were screaming at me to stop.

Stop running

Stop trying

Stop breathing

Stop living

Anything to make it stop.

"You're a monster! You shouldn't have been born!" A woman shouted. She shook her child so violently as she screamed. "Why are you like this!? You're not my child anymore!" A rough shove to the side and the child was tumbling down a flight of stairs.

I lied there at the bottom for sometimes wondering how many times I had gone through this... Once was too little, but a thousand seemed like too much. The words rang through my ears.







"I wish you'd never been born"

I was out of breath as I finally made myself stop. The rain was coming down even harder than before.

I can't breathe.

I could feel the spirit within me desperately trying to break free but I couldn't let it. I hit the wall, perhaps startling those passing by. I let out a weak sob as I tried to feel something. Everything was so blurred. I didn't understand.

Why did it have to be me?

"(Y/N)!?" I took in a sharp inhale as I saw him. The only person who could ever understand my pain was the one who suffered a similar fate.

Kyo Sohma raced forward an umbrella in hand. I found myself distracted from my previous thoughts as I wondered how he had brought himself to move so fast in the rain. He was always so sluggish in this sort of weather.

I shivered as he stood in front of me.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Could ask you the same" I retorted softly. A dull humorous tone added to my voice.

"You know what I mean," he said.

"My- my mom kicked me out... said she didn't want me as her child anymore" I explained. My voice came across fragile. I hated it when I sounded weak. It made me flinch even though I didn't want to.

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