Kyo - Rings

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Using female pronouns again :)

Kyo PoV for this story :))

(Y/n) (L/n) was always wearing rings. Some of them were too big for her small fingers but she never seemed to care. She had seven rings on her left hand and five on her right with two more tied around a cord on her neck. The two on her neck, as she once told me, were from her parents. She never met them since she grew up in the foster system. She told me a lot about her. Normally I brush it off like I don't care about what she's telling me, but when she told me about those two rings it felt like she had shown me her soul.

Other than the big things, I knew a lot about the little things she enjoyed too. She liked hiking and hearing the birds chirp in the morning. She liked watching the sunrise and she liked climbing trees. She doesn't like fog or loud sudden noises. She doesn't like the rain, either. 

I liked (Y/n) a lot. She was kind and it felt okay to be close to her even with the curse. She didn't know about that though, she just figured I wasn't comfortable being so close to girls.

One thing about (Y/n) is that she's quick to assume something based on minimal information. We're alike in that aspect, I guess. She tries not to act on her assumptions too much though. If asked about she'll admit the truth quickly, she's not one for keeping secrets or lying.

Because I liked (Y/n) I figured I would... kinda ask her out. Not in a formal way just... well I wasn't sure what I was thinking yet.

Plenty of other guys tried to ask her out on really romantic dates that any other girl might have accepted. (Y/n) never was one for fancy venues though.

I had to shoot my shot. I wouldn't ever have a chance of beating that damn rat if I couldn't even ask out a girl.

"(Y/n)" I said after school. Her (e/c) eyes stood out more in the orange tint of the sky.

"Hm?" She hummed.

"Well, I uh... jeez what am I supposed to say?" I muttered to myself. She gave me the most patient look I had ever seen. I took a breath. "I wanted to hang out some more. So we could go hiking or something this weekend" my tone was more demanding than asking a question...

"I'd like that" She smiled and I really hoped I wasn't blushing too much. She was cute. "Saturday work okay?" She asked. I nodded. "Great. I'll be there by ten" she stated and she walked away her rings shimmering in the light of the sunset.

Sure enough, after the awkward week of trying to work out the details, (Y/n) showed up at exactly ten AM.

I wasn't very used to seeing her not in a school uniform or the waitressing uniform she wore at her part-time job. 

She was dressed in a pair of jean shorts with a blue tank top, a white sweater was tied around her waist, and her (h/c) hair was pulled back.
(unless you have short hair lmao)
The first few minutes of walking was... awkwardly silent, to say the least. For me, it was awkward. (Y/n) looked to be enjoying it just fine. 

I thought about starting up a conversation but if I tried doing that I doubt I'd be able to keep it going. She had this thing about her that made it hard for me to talk without questioning everything I was saying.

"Hey, Kyo?" She spoke up. I turned to her. "Thanks for bringing me out here... I needed this" she gave me a soft smile as we came to the end of the path a cliff overlooked the less crowded end of the city. The view was really great.

"It was nothing..." I replied. Though I could feel that pull of happiness in my chest. I was glad she liked this.

(Y/n) got pretty close to the edge but I figured I didn't have to warn her about not going too far. If she fell I don't think I'd be able to catch her. She lifted her hand to brush some hair from her face, her rings caught the light of the sun and for a moment I was blinded. It was that one moment of blindness that I missed her turn around and I missed the point that she disappeared from view.

I was just shocked at first, unsure of what to say or do. I don't even remember the call I made to the police about the incident.

By the time things became organized, from what I could recall, it took hours. The first thing we found was her parent's wedding rings on the cord.

It had to be about 1 Am and no one was sure what to do. Maybe it was just lucky when a flashlight passed over the rings on her fingers just right. I barely got to see her when she was taken out of the forest and soon loaded into an ambulance and I had to wait two weeks to see her after that.

I waited a few more days. I didn't know if she'd want to see me after everything that happened. I worked up the courage soon enough and I hesitated at her door.

I brought my hand up and knocked.

"Come in," she said. I never thought I'd be so happy to hear her voice. Still, I suppressed a smile for the time being. I opened the door she didn't pay me any mind at first. She was reading a book. Her rings were missing. I still had her parent's rings in my pocket.

I waited for her to turn the page before I said anything.

"(Y/n)" she looked up and then that wonderful smile played across her lips.

"Hello, Kyo," she said and she adjusted herself so she sat more upright. I approached her she turned a bit more and gave me her full attention but it was then that I noticed her eye. One of them was covered up completely.

"Oh, yeah... when I fell some rocks and glass shards had damaged the cornea, I'm not gonna be able to see out of it anymore" she explained. I sat down beside her and though I was hesitant I touched her face.

"I- I'm sorry," I said. And then she laughed.

"I knew you'd say that... you don't have anything to apologize for Kyo. I should have been more careful" she said. I nodded then pulled the rings from my pocket and handed them to her.

"You found them?!" She asked her smile growing even wider.

"Yeah, when we were all looking for you. I figured it'd be better if I returned them in person" I said. (Y/n) tied the cord around her neck and smiled.

"Thank you, really, I mean it," she said. 

When she got out of this hospital, I'll finally tell just how much she means to me.

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