Yuki - One Step At A Time

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It had been a week since I found out about the Sohma Curse with Tohru. She seemed to be alright with it pretty quickly but I needed some time to adjust. I became conscious of everything that happened around them. The event that really gets this story going occurred on Thursday at school.

I was running a little late, I had been tired all day and now I was getting held back because of my cleaning duties. Tohru, Hana, and Uo had offered to stay behind to help but I declined. They had places they should get to soon. I was almost done when I heard the door open.

"L/N?" There was only one person that called me by my last name.

"Yuki," I said as I turned to face him. I felt a little tenser as he walked in. I was nervous. What if I messed something up?

"I wanted to know if you wanted some help, I have some spare time," he said. I shook my head.

"No uh- I am uh- I'm actually almost done here" I stuttered. Yuki nodded though he stuck around as I finished cleaning there was a tense silence.

"L/N?" He said again I hummed in response.

"Have you been trying to avoid me?" He asked. Well, I can't lie my way out of this one, now can I?

"Not because I want to... per se" I admitted.

"Why then?"

"Cause I don't really- I don't exactly uh... I don't know how to talk to you" I said.

"What do you mean?" His voice always came off so polite and smooth and I always felt so calm, yet so tense all the same whenever I was near him. I sighed.

"I guess it's just... I um-" I coughed a couple of times "-I think it might be because you're a really good person and I always feel so mixed up whenever I'm with you and lately I don't even know what to think. It's confusing and I'm just trying to understand it all a little better" I explained.

"Well, could he figure it out together?" I looked up to see Yuki standing in front of me as he took my hand in his. He locked our fingers together and looked me right in the eyes. "we don't have to move too quickly... but I- I want to figure this out with you if you'll let me, Y/N" it was the first time he had ever said my first name. I swallowed for a moment and then nodded with a smile.

"I think I would really like that," I said and Yuki smiled that gentle smile that spoke so many words I couldn't begin to describe it.

"We'll take this one step at a time."

💕Various Fruits Basket One-Shots💕Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ