Chapter 4

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>> O V E R C O M I N G H E R S E L F<<
-P A D M I N I


🎶HARD FOR ME🎶_________________________________________

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What a word it is,isn't it?
A word that can overpower any other emotion one beholds.
A word than can demolish a whole empire within a snap of a few seconds.
A word that can crumble everything down.
A word than can erase one's existence with no traces to be found.

In the rage for vengeance of a crime which was rather his mind's own fantasy,he lost it all.
He lost the precious jewel that he has been taking granted for.

Now that he is out of his mind's own fantasy world,He asks himself a question that only he can answer but also a question that has no answer to begin with.
He has no answer to this.He has no idea why did he do this all.
He has no idea what was the vengeance for.
He has no idea what her unforgivable deed was.

Why did he always had to be this short tempered?
Why did he always had to act irrationally?
couldn't He think before acting?
Why does he not feel the rage now?

The rage that has been surrounding him for the past years of his marriage seems to be long gone.


The Vengeance,the rage everything erased themselves now that he has embraced the reality.
The reality far from what his mind portrayed.
The reality he Couldn't embrace before performing those horrendous crimes.

He strolled towards their 'bedroom'
or should he say his hell where he did all those unforgivable crimes.
The bedroom looked untouched.
Not a single thing out of place.
Everything at it's order only the people residing in a state of mess.

He walks towards HER cupboard. Opening it,he finds their wedding picture.His gaze lingers at it for a while before he reaches for it. But as soon as he brings it out,a book falls down.

Bending down,he examines it.'Diary' it read. Although he isn't a person to meddle with someone else's belongings,he still decides to go through it with a hope of it being hers.

He walks towards the bed and settles himself down.

Opening the first page of the diary,he stared at her messy handwriting. He chuckled with a a glint of amusement shinning in his eyes and mumbled ,"Always so clumsy. Couldn't even write without making a mess."


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