Cassius and Joey enter the apartment.



Cassius:Do you guys have like a big bowl I can borrow?.

Monica:Yeah there’s one right under the cabinet.

Cassius:"Grabs it".Thanks.

Monica:Why do you need it?.

Cassius:Oh we’re having a big party tomorrow night.Later!.

The men start for the door.

Rachel:Whoa!.Hey,hey you planning on inviting us?.

Joey:No later.

The men walk out the door.

Phoebe:Hey!.Get your ass back here Tribbiani!.And Cassius!.

    The men both walk back in scared of Phoebe.


Monica:What Phoebe meant to say was um how come you’re having a party and we’re not invited?.

Cassius:Oh it’s Ross’s bachelor party.


Joey:Are you bachelors?.


Cassius:Are you strippers?.


Joey:Then you’re not invited."Starts for door".

Rachel:All right fine!.You’re not invited to the party we’re gonna have either.

Joey:Oh whoa what party?.

Rachel:Well um…

Monica:The baby shower for Phoebe!.

Cassius:Baby shower.Wow!.That sounds so like something I don’t want to do!.Later!.

The boys leave.

Phoebe:I can’t believe I’m gonna have a party!.This is so great!."Excited".A party!.Yay!."Starts crying".

Me and Rachel move to comfort her.

Phoebe:I don’t know why.

    The next day at Monica and Rachel's Monica is returning from shopping and Me and Rachel are hanging out.

Monica:Look what I got!,Look what I got!, Look what I got!.

   Monica shows Me and Rachel what she bought.She bought a little leather jacket and a little cowboy outfit for the babies.

Monica:Can you believe they make these for little people?.

Rachel:Little village people.

Tabitha:Oh I can't wait to have babies!.

Monica:Okay look at this one.This is my favourite.

   She shows us a little pink and white dress for the girl baby.

Rachel:Oh that is so sweet!.

Monica:I know!.Phoebe is gonna love dressing them in these!.

Rachel:Huh.Except Phoebe’s not gonna be the one that gets to dress them.

Tabitha:Because she’s not gonna get to keep the babies.

Rachel:Oh my God!.We are throwing the most depressing baby shower ever!.

Monica:Wait a minute!.Unless we give her all gifts she can use after she’s done being pregnant.Like,like um regular coffee Tequila.

Rachel:Oh and somebody can get those leather pants she’s always wanted!.

Monica:Oh she’s gonna love that.

   Later that night at Phoebe’s baby shower Phoebe is holding leather pants and isn’t happy about it.

Phoebe:What the hell is this?!.What did you actually thought it would make me feel better to give me stuff that I can’t use for another two months?!.This sucks!.All right what’s my next present?!.

All:I don’t have anything.

    We all hide our gifts behind our backs...The next day at Central Perk Phoebe is entering as Me,Monica and Rachel talk on the couch.

Phoebe:Hi guys.

Tabitha:Hi Phoebe.

   Me,Monica and Rachel try to move out of Phoebe’s way.

Monica:Hi Phoebe.

Phoebe:I-I wanted to apologise if I y’know seemed a tad edgy yesterday at my shower. Y’know it’s just the hormones y’know.

Rachel:No we…


Rachel:Hormones yeah.

Phoebe:Anyway I just wanted to say thank you it was just it was so sweet.

   Phoebe goes to hug Monica and Rachel  and they both flinch.

Monica:Wow you seem to be doing so much better.That’s great.So how,how are things going?.

Phoebe:Good.Y’know no,no okay it’s,it feels like everything’s been about me lately so what’s happening with you?.

Rachel:Oh well actually we were just talking about me not going to Ross’s wedding.


Rachel:It just might be too hard given the history and all that…

Phoebe:Wow!.This reminds me of the time when I was um living on the street and this guy offered to buy me food if I slept with him.

Rachel:Well h-how is this like that?.

Phoebe:Well let’s see it’s not.Really like that.Because you see that was an actual problem and uh yours is just like y’know a bunch of y’know high school crap that nobody really gives y’know…

Rachel:"Starting to cry".I’m,I’m sorry I just thought that…

Phoebe:Alrighty here come the water works.

Rachel starts crying harder.

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