A New Experience Part 2

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I apologize you all had to wait a while. There were issues. This had to be written again since it was deleted. Here it is though. 

Joe and I had both just taken our second shot of whiskey...

"Y-you know what this stuff tastes like?" Joe asked, sounding like he was half-way choked.


"That gum...you know...that cinnamon gum." He said, clearing his throat.

"Oh! That stuff that's kind of hot! Right?" I began to realize what he was talking about.

"Yeah! Yeah, that! Uh...it's called Big....Big something...um...yeah whatever it'll come to me." He said, shrugging it off in a jokingly way. We both laughed.

About ten minutes had passed at this point...

Let's just say that we were definitely feeling that whiskey!

We really hadn't spoken about anything serious. We were both "buzzed" as they say but not drunk. Even though we were pretty relaxed, we were both still stalling.

"Hey. I just remembered what that gum is called! It's Big Red." Joe said.

"That sounds like a prison nickname or something." I said, snickering.

Joe laughed with his mouth really wide open. I felt a little bit of his saliva hit my cheek.

"Ugh! Joe! You just spit on me!" I scolded...though I was also laughing.

"Hey, hey....shhhhh" Joe warned, putting his finger to his lips. "Remember my parents are sleeping."

I rolled my eyes. "Joe, you were way louder than me."

"When?" He asked.

"Hahahaaa, Joe! You were laughing so loud literally just a second ago. You were laughing like a...a...."

"Like a....sexy guy?" Joe smirked and winked.

"Oh my god, haha! No, that's not what I was thinking. What even is a "sexy guy laugh" anyway?" I questioned. I couldn't help but keep smiling.

"Well...a sexy guy...ya know...laughs - uh - laughs like me of course!"

We both started laughing again like morons and both of us began holding our stomachs and bending over. We were keeping our laughter volume to a hushed level though. Our chairs were facing each other and eventually, because we were both leaning forward, we bumped heads.

"Ouch." Joe said as he rubbed his forehead.

"I'm sorry about that." I giggled.

"Don't be. It was a...group effort." Joe said as he shot me a smile that could charm just about anyone. I know why he was smiling that way...

"That's exactly what you said that night when we bumped heads in the woods. You...you came to get me after I ran away from home..." I said, now beginning to feel a bit melancholy.

Joe grabbed my hand.

"Of course I came to get you. I love you." He said as his lips moved closer to mine.

We were kissing, but suddenly, things didn't feel so great.

We'd been having fun. We drank. Joe said the purpose of us having shots was to relax so we could have a real conversation without getting really worked up.

Our Senior Year - A Joe Mazzello Fanfic (Sequel to In Need of a Friend)Where stories live. Discover now