Cold Sweats

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The police car had pulled off to the side of the road and was right behind us. It's flashing lights were blinding.

The police officer stepped out of his car and was headed toward us.

"Joe, I'm scared." I whispered.

"Don't be. Just let me do the talking." Joe insisted, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"How did he find us?" I asked anxiously.

"Well my dad obviously gave a description of the car and-" Joe wasn't able to finish his sentence as we both saw the officer was almost at the car.

The police officer arrived at the window and Joe rolled it down immediately.

"Are you Joseph Mazzello and Valentina Allende?" The officer asked us. He wasn't agressive, but his demeanor was intimidating.

"Yes sir. Is there a problem?" Joe asked politely. The officer let out a light chuckle.

"Well, son, I think you know what the problem is. You ran from your home. Your father called us. They want both of you back home safe. You two kids are lucky to have people who care. Trust me, I've been doing this a long time and I've seen kids on the street whose parents couldn't care less where they were." He lectured us. I got a look at his badge. His name was Officer Ling. He had short, slick black hair and a muscular build.

Joe nodded. "I understand sir. Thank you. We'll just go on home now-"

"Now, now, wait. We can do this one of two ways : I can follow you back to your house in my patrol car or - if you don't like that - I can put the two of you in MY car and take you back to your parents myself. Believe me, kids, you want to choose the first option."

Joe threw his head back slightly and looked like he was about to mutter something. I elbowed him in the ribs as a warning to keep quiet. I didn't want to be in trouble because he mouthed off to a police officer.

"So, is it a deal? I follow you two safely back home?" The man of the law asked, looking down at us and putting his thumbs in his front belt loops.

"Yes, officer." We both responded in unison.

Officer Ling smiled and and told us we'd made a wise decision.

He got back into his car and Joe started his up.

We were headed back home.

It was now Monday, October 21. A month had passed since Joe's birthday and since that night we had to ride back home with a police car following us. We both got in so much trouble. We were spoken to separately. I know they told us both the same things since Joe and I talked to each other the next chance we got. We could still be together, but for the next month, there was to be no going out on weekend dates or staying up late watching movies. It really sucked. This also definitely did not bring Joe closer to his mother. In fact, he'd began to drift a bit away from his dad too as a result of this punishment. However, today was the day that our punishment was to be lifted! It had been a month!

Joe and I were driving home from school. It had been a long day. Mondays are usually long though, I guess. I looked out of the window and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Joe asked.

"Well, I mean...I know it's been a month and all-"

"Yeah and that means our punishment is over. Thank god, right? Hey, I was thinking you and I should go to movies or something on Friday night. Then, on Saturday-" Joe was rambling with excitement before I stopped him so I could finish speaking.

"Joe. I - I'm worried. Yes, like I said, it's been a month and they said after a month we could start doing more things as a couple again. But, I don't think they WANT us to..." I stated.

Our Senior Year - A Joe Mazzello Fanfic (Sequel to In Need of a Friend)Where stories live. Discover now