"Anya is better suited for the job. I do not have the patience for it." I tell him once again. He would always ask me this at least twice a year. "I like where I am. I am good at what I do. And I know this is where I can help the company the most."

"Very well." he says resigned "Have some fun while you are in Cairo. Go out, flirt a little. Don't focus all on work while you are there."

"Hello pot, meet kettle." I tell him getting up. "I'm going on a business trip not a holiday."

"I'm serious." he says getting up as well and standing in front of me, his hands on my shoulders "I never thought I would tell any of my daughters this but you need to get laid."

"Father!" I yell out mortified.

"I'm sorry honey, but it's true! You need to loosen up, kiss some strangers, have wild spontaneous sex in a questionably clean bathroom."

I cannot believe I am actually getting a lecture from my father about my sex life.

"You know, I wish this could surprise me, but that just explains so much, on how you have nine daughters from four different women." I tell him trying not to die from mortification.

"Not my fault the ladies can't resist your old man." he says cheekily

"Okay, that's it. I'm done now." I say grabbing my briefcase and my jacket "Bye dad! Love you! I'll call you when the plane lands!" And then I sprinted out of there, as fast as my legs could carry me.


I land in Cairo after several hours' plane ride and I could not thank the heavens fast enough for finally getting out of that death trap. I hated flying. But sometimes it was necessary for me to actually get the job done.

It was almost night time when I get to the hotel. After the check in I immediately jump in the shower, trying to cleanse away the sweat and smell of airplane from my body. I feel a tons more relaxed after it. I order some room service while I go over the schedule for tomorrow.

And yet as I worked late and drank my glass of wine, I can't help but remember what my father told me. I really hate how much of an impact my father's words had on me. I can have fun. Sure it has been a while since I dated or had sex really...there just hasn't been enough time. My work was very important to me and I constantly feel the need to prove myself to others that I am good at my job, I'm not just there because I was the boss's daughter. I earned my place just like everybody else.

Frustrated I throw the papers on the sofa and I change out of my pajamas into a nice dress. I would just go into the hotel bar and prove to myself that I could relax and not think about work for a while.

Thankfully the bar was not full of people. The atmosphere was good, there was even a live band playing mood music. I sit at the bar and order a glass of wine.

"First time in Cairo?" I hear someone ask me from next to me.

I turn around and see the most handsome man sitting next to me. His dark eyes matched perfectly with his dark hair, giving him that elusive mysterious vibe. His skin was tanned, his t-shirt allowed me to see the definition of his muscles, telling me that he definitely enjoys working out.

I knew he knew that I was checking him out but I could tell he was doing the same thing to me.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask him smiling.

"Well you are standing in a hotel bar." he says grabbing his beer from the counter "I figured I had a good chance of getting it right."

"Does that make you observant or just a gambler?" I flirt with him turning my body so I could give him my entire attention. Surely it wouldn't hurt to strike up a conversation with a handsome man in a foreign country.

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