02 || Betrothed

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I sat at my desk reading one of the parchments I had brought, or in this case, Sethos had brought, earlier this morning, under the light of a candle, while wearing only my nightgown as I wait for my love.

The moon was high in the sky, and the kingdom of Hathour was silent in the wind. All were resting peacefully in their homes while I wait anxiously for his arrival. This is not the first time he would sneak into my chamber, but with the guards at my door, we had to be careful not to be seen or heard.

I am startled by my reading with a noise from my balcony. I pick up my candle and with caution I make my way to its doors. There were slightly open so that some breeze could enter my chamber. I pick up a small knife that a servant had left behind when I requested a small snack before bed. I hold it tight in my hand. If it is an intruder, I do not intend to be taken easily.

The doors start opening and I see an arm appearing, before I could register my movements, I attack with the arm that held the knife raised, only to be stopped by a large grip on my wrist and push strongly against a male chest. A chest I knew all too well.

"Now is this the greetings I get after all the trouble I had sneaking into your chamber unseen?" he chuckles softly in my ear. I drop the knife and turn to look at him.

"You came." I speak softly, my hand gently caresses his chin.

"Did you think I wouldn't?" he asked playful

"The late hour made me pause." I answer back.

"I'm sorry it took me this long to come." he says gently. He releases my wrist and places his hand on my chin where he takes the opportunity to lean me in a kiss.

I don't think I will ever get tired of kissing him. Each time feels like the first time.

"Come" I say once we break away. I take his hand and lead him to my bed where we can both sit down. "Tell me everything. What did my father say?"

"Has the Pharaoh told you his intentions on the line of succession?" he asks me carefully

"I was told of it today. I had no idea my father was planning on having me succeed him." I told him honestly "Is...I... How do you feel about that?" I ask him slightly in fear. Will he not want to marry me anymore, now that he knew there was a chance I would be the next Pharaoh?

"I believe that you will make a great Pharaoh." he tells me moving a loose lock of my hair behind my ear.

"But do you still wish to marry me?" I ask holding onto his hand "This is not the life we had envision for ourselves, if we marry and I become Pharaoh, you will have to sacrifice so many things..."

"I care not for my post; I only wish to spend my days by your side. Besides, we still have time, the Pharaoh still has many years to live before we must sacrifice any part of ourselves." he tells me reassuring me.

"And your audience with the Pharaoh? Will you tell me what you discussed?" I ask him

"The Pharaoh will make a speech tomorrow, where he will tell his subjects of the eradication of the rebel forces." he informs me

"Well that's wonderful, but I don't see how..."

"And where he will inform his court of the impending marriage of the Third Princess with the Captain of the Guard as a reward for his hard work and commitment to the kingdom." he interrupts me with a grin on his lips.

"I... really? My father has consented?" I ask him shocked. Afraid that I might have interpreted wrong.

"He has, my love." he says smiling "In two moons time we shall be husband and wife."

Hathour's Princess ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora