Party? club scene? Check.

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Midoriya's POV.

Im so bored! I've been sitting by Kai for forever! I let put a small sigh that apparently got Kai's attention as he returned his eyes to me."I'm sorry dear you've been so patient. I heard that theirs a bar to hang out at. Don't let anyone touch you and go enjoy yourself over there,okay?" With a small smile and a nod I quietly stood up and lightly kissed his temple before leaving. As I made my way through the hallways and opened the door I finally found a place more my scene....a club.

Shigaraki''s POV.

"Why do we have to do this again?" I growled as we entered the mansion. "because we meed to see what we'll be facing when we start making ourselves a name." Dabi growled back. I sighed and scratched back at my knack. Izukus staying with a friend...for a week. That's what she told her "friends" at school so that means she'll hopefully be coming home soon. As we found a large door we pushed it open to see a club scene. With a sigh I watched dabi,toga,and kurogiri go in and get themselves comfortable.

Kurogiri went to the bar and made small talk with the bartender,toga went to a small crowd of girls and talked with them about turned while dabi and some other chick flirted with each other. With a sigh I walked over to the bar kurogiri was at and ordered myself a whiskey. This was going to be a long night....

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please feel free to sign up for our music co petition! The winner will wear...."THREE MILLION DOLLARS!" a male voice rang through the speakers. I smiled and mumbled..." Looks like things wont be so boring after all."

Midproya's POV.

I was proud of myself sense I had signed the competition list before the announcement,meaning I wouldn't be fighting for hours to get my name on the twenty person list. As I sat at a bar and scanned the crowd I smiled. There's not many people here that I don't know...that's good. I guess listening to kurogiri and studying the available lost of villains in japan was a good idea.

I nearly spit out my water as I saw a familiar four people walk away from where the list for the singing battle was.  I took a breathe and thought for a moment. Even once they see me its not like they can just leave with me. All members can only leave with their whole party. That means that I can only leave the mansion with kai,rappa,and chrono. Unless your drunk and start something. If that happens then you'll probably get thrown out.

I took a few deep breaths and noticed a man with black hair and red eyes staring at me from the other side of the bar. Looking at him from the corner of my eye I could see he was wearing a traditional tux and had a clear liquid in a shot glass. Probably vodka or something like that...sighing under her breathe as he came closer to me. Taking a sip of my water as he came to stand next to me. "Why hello beautiful~" he said as he leaned on tbe bar dangerously close to me.

"Hello sir." I responded monotonioisly. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he said "Oh come now don't act like that~" I flinched and immediately went to wall away but he grabbed my wrist and said "Hey! Don't ignore me! Do you know who I am?!" I sighed and was getting ready to twist his arm when someone put a knife up to his neck. I scanned the man and strated taking in his appearance. Black hair,white mask,red and white scarves, and many many swords and knives.

The man from before immediately let go of me and growled something under his breathe as he walked away. "Thank you mister." I said kindly as I gently smiled at him. He nodded his head as he said "Its fine. He shouldn't have treated you lile that after you clearly didn't want his attention." I lightly giggled and watched him get a water as well.

Leaning on the bar next to me and taking a sip of his drink before leaning over to my ear and whispering "Your the girl from the sports festival...aren't you?" With a small giggle I just barely nodded my head and responed with "and your the hero killer stain." . He smiled and said "So your really a villain...not going to lie I wasn't really expecting that." I giggled and downed the rest of my drink and set it down on the bar counter. He did the same and we ended up just standing in a comforting silence for a little while. Watching the crowd dance and have fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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