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Place-UA high school(classroom)

Midoriya's POV.

School just ended and I'm packing up my bags. Kachan's personality hasn't changed at all so if he was suspicious of me then he would have already yelled at me about it so im good there. The brown haired brat finally understands I don't do friends and has left me alone to talk to glasses. I opened my bag and slid my journal into it.

I had memorized and recorded everyone's places and scores in the individual tests. The only person im not sure of at this point is sleeping bag. He looks like he's asleep but the way kanna's moving tells me he's still awake...He may be a problem..he either likes me,or is suspicious of me.

I went to exit the classroom when I felt a strong warm hand on my shoulder and I immediately flipped whoever it was on their back. I then saw it was the icy-hot guy. "Oh,sorry you scared me" I said in a monotone way. He got up and stared at me. "So you gonna say something or can I go...kanna is hungry again and she can strangle a human and eat it in less that 30 seconds at the size she is now,and you look pretty appetizing from here." I said the last part with a smirk and pushed him out of the way.

I knew I had just left him as a blushing mess and I was proud..after all he is endeavours son...that bastard stands for broken heros...breaking his son will be fun! When I got home I got attacked with hugs from toga who didn't mind smothering me with love. Once I got her off I copied all the info I had gotten from the class into another notebook. I then gave the second notebook to kurogiri who proceeded to give it to tomura. He looked very pleased. Which made me all happy and warm inside. But you couldn't tell with my scowl.

I then pulled kanna from my bag and let her go upstairs into her tank. I sat beside Tomura at the bar and talked to a lizard that had snuck in with me. When I got bored. I leaned down and whispered something to it. Making kurogiri curious. He just watched as the small green lizard climbed up tomuras sleeve and up to his ear. It then reached up and bit down now looking like tomura was wearing an earring!

Tomura pulled it off with four fingers while me and kurogiri couldn't stop laughing. I then walked the lizard over to the door and set him right outside. I said goodbye and then shut the door behind me.

I hugged tomura from behind and then went to my room to take. Shower since I was covered in sweat and didn't want tomura to notice I was smelly.

Place-league of villains base

Tomura's POV.

Holy Shit! She just hugged me out of no where and left just like that. Oh hell no I feel my face heating up. Can't let anyone see me like this. I got up and went upstairs trying to look a normal as possible. When I got to my room I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw my face was red like really red. I didn't realize what these feelings were when I first got them but now I do...I liked Izuku...more than a friend. She was the first relatively normal girl to join that wasn't crazed about stain or all might.

She hated all might with a me. She wanted to meet stain but didn't grovel at his feet,but she's always honest about how she feels with people she trusts...and I admire that she has the courage to do that...while I don't sadly...

But in my eyes the girl who was broken to the point that she tried committing suicide...was perfect.

I decided I was gonna tell her soon...I Just wasn't sure as to how I would do that...But why would she like me?...she probably likes dabi..they hang out plenty,and get along well,and they both love burning people and things to death... I didn't stand a chance against dabi...

I sighed before going back downstairs to see Izu and dabi talking. Dabi had his shirt off and izu's hair was still wet probably from the shower she took. Thats when I realized what she was wearing...and thought I was going to have a nosebleed! She had short shorts on and a sports bra on!

I walked over making sure I wasn't blushing before I did. "Hey,where are you guys going like this?" I asked genuinely curious about what they were going to do. "Oh,we're going to the training room so that I can let out some steam! Dabi kinda just takes hits when I need to hurt something so i've been training with him lately!" Izu said immediately. "Okay well be careful and don't over do it!" I said back as I watched them walk over to a wall and push a button that took them to the large white room with bright lights.

I sighed when I though of how lucky dabi was for being able to spend time with her...even if it was just to be a punching bag.

Midoriya's POV.

We walked over to the middle of the room and got into fighting stances. "So how was school..." Dabi asked me as he went to punch me in the face. I blocked and said. "Horrible...the teacher followed me all day and the students are annoying" I then kicked at his face but he used his arm to block. "So first day and you got your self a fan club?" He said as he went to grab my neck but I grabbed his arm and flipped him over like I did to half and half.

"Seems like it" I said and he laughed a bit before running at me with his fists up. He through a punch but I blocked so he through another,and another,faster and faster,until he almost hit me in the face but I leaned down and put my leg out causing him to trip over it. "I also flirted with your brother and it shocked him so bad he couldn't talk" I laughed out as he got up and stared at me. "Speaking of love...hows you and hands.." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I've been doing what you said and giving him more attention and trying to be more affectionate but I don't think he cares..." I said while looking down.

"Aye hands is just oblivious,tell him you like him instead of waiting for him to notice and do it!" Dabi said proudly as he griped my shoulder causing me to look up and see him smile big at me. I smiled back. "Now that you've talked about it lets go eat I bet diners ready!" Dabi said as he let go of my shoulder and we walked to the exit together. I couldn't hep but try and think of ways to get tomura to notice me as quickly as possible on the way...

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