Sports Festival-Prt-2

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Shinsou's POV.

I stared at the girl ahead of me as I made my plan. From what i know her name is midoriya and shes smart...some could even say cunning. Looks like the monkey told her about my quirk sense she wont answer me....fine. I'll have to find a way to get her to talk. One word and she's mine. "So your friends with the monkey,huh?" I said as I gestured towards him with my hand.

She stood completely still. Staring daggers at me as I continued to try and get her to talk. "You know...people like you are lucky! Really...born with powerful quirks such as animal control!"  I said which made her tense and relax quickly. If I wasn't staring at her then I wouldn't have even noticed. Do she has some sort of past....lets keep this up. "Do you know what its like to be called a villain everyday because of your quirk?" I said as i took a step towards her. She started walking towards me but her hair was in front of her eyes so i couldn't see what she was really thinking other than the monotone look she had before...

"Tell me...was it hard for you to get into the hero course? Of course not you got in on recommendations!" I yelled as u started getting closer to her. We were in the very middle of the arena and i still couldn't see her face very well. I was about to say something when she muttered something and punched me in the face. Suddenly she was grabbing my hair and yanking me down. I quickly grabbed her knee and forced myself up. I had successfully doged getting kneed in the face.

I backed away with my hands balled into fists. She was in a fighting stance and that's when i saw it. Large crystal tears streamed down one side of her face as she gritted her teeth. "I understand..." She muttered as she came back at me. I dogged and realized I didn't have my quirk activated. I grit my teeth as i watched her keep coming at me. Each punch getting closed and closer until i got us turned around. I went to tackle her and got thrown over her shoulder.

The buzzer went off and I looked down. Seeing my foot across the line...she walked around and heald her hand out.  " we all have a bad past...i think that you would be a wonderful addition to the hero course. How about me and you do some training some time?" She said as she smiled at me. She had calmed herself down enough that she wasn't crying but there were still tears in her eyes. I smiled and grabbed her hand. "I'd like that..." I muttered as we walked separate ways.

Midoriya's POV.

Great! I fucking cried in public...jeez. Why is it that every turn I make i am reminded of my past!? I sighed and wake through the passage ways until i was suddenly face to face with endeavor. "Ah,you will be fighting shoto next round,yes? I want you to give it your all." He said as he stopped in front of me. Temporarily blocking my exit. I sighed and growled as i said "I was planning on it anyway asshole." I then pushed his arms and walked away. I didn't bother to look back but I could tell that my response shocked him.

I kept walking around until I was almost outside. I was hungry so i was going to grab a snack before hand but was stoped when a familiar voice called out to me. "Midoriya. I want to speak with you." I sighed and turned around to face todoroki. I followed him inti an empty tunnel that lead inside and leaned on the wall as i waited for him to speak.

"My dads a bastard....who drove my mother I insane to create the perfect child. One that will defeat all might and succeed his gain that he bought my mother and forced her to have children until he had me....he decided i was his "masterpiece" and that I would succeed him. He was the cause of my mothers insanity and it got to the point that she poured boiling hot water on my face.... because I was looking more and more like him. I will defeat you with only my ice. Not my fire." He said as he put a hand over his left side.

I kept a straight face and nearly felt luke laughing in all honesty. So he has daddy issues. Well guess what buddy,your not the only one. He went to walk away and I stopped him by grabbing his wrist. He turned around to face me once more as i said "my reason may not be as good as yours. But i have people who have abused me to the point I tried to kill myself. This is my shot to prove them wrong. Im sorry....but you need to know im not going down without a fight." He seemed shocked by my actions but i ignored it and walked past him towards the food stands. I was eyeing one in particular. Ice Cream!

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