Sports festival-Prt-1

64 1 0

Time-6:03 AM
Place-Kai's room

Midoriya's POV.

I woke up extra early out of embarrassment from last night and got dressed. Good thing i washed my stupid uniform. I'm bot wearing that god damn girls uniform ever again. I quietly grabbed my bag and left. I had a little bit of money so i stopped at this diner. It was a small place and it was only ten minutes away from the school so ill take it...i ordered a coffee and decided to wait at the school gates.

I was drinking my coffee leaning beside the school gate when the birds started yelling about a stalker. That the guy from yesterday was here and that he must be following me. I giggled a bit at how protective they were of me and looked around. There was a tall man in a black hoodie that was staring at me from the corner of a building. It was only 6:30 so I only have to wait for sensei to get here..ill be safe then.

I stared at the guy without turning my head and felt myself begin to tremble when i saw bright blue eyes from under the hood...."dabi...?" I muttered as I inched a little closer to the gate. As long as I was in the cameras view then they wouldn't risk getting too close to me. He stayed there until seven and left. I saw sensei in the corner of my eyes and we walked to class in a comfortable silence. As soon as everyone was in the classroom we put our bags down and left t-to change into our gym clothes.

I was sitting at a white table making plans and sending them out via lizards when todoroki came over and tapped my shoulder. I stared at him and he took a deep breath before saying "grom an objective view stronger than you." I smiled a bit as i stood up and leave on the table. "I think when it comes to quirk strength you are...planning? I have the upper hand there." I said as i started walking to the door. I stopped and turned my head so he could see my face a bit and said "I will defeat you..." And walked away,the rest of the class following me.

We walked out seeing the other classes as we all gathered around the center stage,waiting to see what would happen next. "And now sine inspiring words from bakugou! The student who scored the most points in the mock exam!" Midnight yelled as i rolled my eyes and scoffed. He noticed this and growled before walking up to the middle of the small stage and saying "im going to win." And leaving everyone hating us more...

As soon as i saw the sign move to an obstacle course i smiled. The lizard hiding in my shirt move d abit as i mumbled the plan. Just like that it headed off to let the others know it was show time! After a couple minutes everyone started running for the gates. I whistled an two large haws carried me over the crowd where i was running side by side with todo. I was far enough over that I should have been okay so I ignored him and the pain in my shoulders and kept running.

I felt a warm liquid flowing down my shoulder and saw the claw marks that were left behind. I felt somethinh land on ny head,and then crawl down onto my shoulde rhwere i could see it "Robots! Moat! Bombs!" It yelled as Lou das it could so i could hear it. I sighed as i saw star fly up beside me. "Follow me! I can get you through!" She said as she flew in front if me. I had gotten a little faster than todoroki now and was confident that he was going to land on sort of ice attack soon to slow me down....until we saw the giant zero pointers in the mock exam.

Me and star went under one,slid over another's treads,and finally around another just in time. I grabbed a piece one dropped and kept running as star yelled if i was okay.Todoroki froze them right before we left. If we hadn't then I might have ended up frozen to the ground! Star took off to check ahead if me and i felt myself tense when i heard explosions getting closer. I turned my head and scowled as i saw kachan flying through the sky spewing cuss words as he did...

I growled and kept running,soon we were at the most. I chuckled knowing that there was no way I could let the hawks cary me again...but. I whistled as todoroki started icing his way across. I chuckled as she handed me the small pocket knife i asked her to keep in her mouth. I ran at a rope and jumped down beside it,cutting and then grabbing it as I did. I swung across and then i was on another. I kept this up until i was on the other side. My breathing had become heavy but that didn't matter.

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