Who was that?

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Place:UA gates

Midoriya's POV.

Kai dropped me off this morning. I was really thankful I was as about to walk into school grounds but stoped when I felt someone else's presence. I turned my head slightly,seeing a hooded figure. My eyes went wide,and my heart stopped.

There was tomura....he had a smile that would be sickening to others,but he looked as good as ever to me. I felt my face start heating up and immediately went inside. If I waited any longer he would be able to get me with kurogiri. But if im inside the UA gates...well things aren't as easy. Im still a villain but seeing tomura made me realize how much I missed him.

It also made me wonder about something. Kai had been acting really weird. He practically groped me in his sleep and then wouldn't stop starring at me this morning...maybe he's not feeling well? For as long as I've known him he's never been like...that. So what made him do that to me...I should find out. Tomura needs info on them anyw-NO! Don't think I like that. Your mad at them right now.


Its really hard staying mad at him....I want to hug him. Really bad. But then again I always feel like that. I was so stuck in my thoughts I didn't notice sensei was walking beside me. Im pretty sure I was death glaring the ground while I as thinking. He waved a bandaged arm in front of me,getting my attention.

"You okay? Your usually early." He said as we stopped in front of the classroom. I smiled lightly at him and nodded. It was always kinda hard to know what he was thinking but for some reason he looked relieved when I said that.

We entered the classroom and went to our designated seats. He waited for everyone to shut up while I pulled my journal out and got ready to take notes of some fighting strategies.

I wanted to get my mind off of tomura...so I actually listened to the stupid lessons. When it was lunch time I went to the roof instead of the steps.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned my head to see floaty,alien queen,invisible,and creati. They were all smiling bright and staring at me. I turned my body to see them better. Momo looked at me before saying "the guy that dropped you off this morning,was he you boyfriend!" She yelped out as she closed her eyes.

I was surprised and laughed before saying "kai? No he's like a brother to me! Im staying at his house while my parents are on a business trip." They looked surprised before they forced me to sit with them in a circle. "So your on a first name basis huh!" Hagakure practically yelled at me.

I nodded and mina squeeled. "Your living with him for the week!?" Mina yelled. I nodded again. They were clapping,smiling,and uraraka looked kinda....stiff.

I wasn't showing any emotion,just giving answers. Until momo asked me something that really surprised me. "Do you like him,like in a boyfriend way?" She said in an innocent tone. I swung my head around to look at her. I crossed my legs and played with my hair as I said "I-I actually like s-someone e-else..."

There eyes went wide and there mouths were open. The bell rang before they asked any more questions. I jumped up and ran to the classroom. I sighed as I cought my breath and sat at my seat.

Sensei saw me and relaxed his face as he started the lesson. When the lesson was over he asked me to stay after class. Huh...I wonder what I did. When school was over I waited for everyone to leave and sat on sensei's desk.

"You didn't eat lunch did you?" He said as he looked up at me. I hesitantly nodded and he sighed. "Come on" he said as he stood up and walked towards the door. I followed him out of school and we were now at a cafe. We got breakfast for dinner and I enjoyed talking to him about my day...but I felt as if I was being watched...

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