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3 years later
Place-league of villains base
Time-7:30 in the morning

Midoriyas POV.

I didn't get any sleep last night...I can't believe they are making me do this! I hate those wanna be heros way more than tomura ever could,so why am I the one that's being forced to spy on them!
I hate this... I got out of bed and turned to see that kanna my pet green anaconda wasn't awake yet. I walked down stairs ignoring he fact that I had huge eye-bags from lack of sleep...I sat next to dabi at the bar as I laid my head on the counter. "You okay,deku..." Dabi asked with concern in is voice. I sat up and looked at him. "Do I look,ok?" I said angrily.

He replied with "No." and went back to drinking his coffee. Now,I know I hate it when im called deku,but at this point...its only the few people I trust...and hatred keeping me going...

"Hey Midoriya,are all the plans in place?" Tomura asked walking down the stairs and into the bar. "Yes..." I growled back still pissed that he's making me do it. He sat next to me and kurogiri placed plates of grits,eggs,bacon,and toast in front of us. I stared at the food before pushing it back to kurogiri and going back upstairs. Dabi and kurogiri stared at me knowing why I was pissed while tomura forgot I was there and kept eating his eggs. When I came back down I grabbed my red and black back-pack.

I was wearing one of dabis white shirts and a pair of jeans that were tight but not too tight. I then called kanna down stairs and when she came she was not happy. Kanna could kill a grown man in 30 seconds. She was 25 feet long. She was three years old. Master experimented on her egg so she would grow faster and larger than other snakes of her kind. She came over and started hissing at me. I then pointed to the bag that I held that was open. She looked at me then got in the bag. I then thanked her and zipped that bag shut.

Master made the bag with a special quirk so that it was just big enough to fit my school stuff and kanna. I did the recommendations test before everyone else and met some of the people I believe will be in the hero class. I "accidentally" forgot to give them my address so I don't have the uniform yet. I was about to leave when I felt someone hug my back...And then another...and another...okay at this point I ain't shocked. "I'll miss you Izu!" Toga said as she hugged my back tighter. "I think you mean we'll miss you." Dabi corrected toga. "Yeah,yeah bring us back good Info!"

I scoffed at him and got spinner,magne,toga,and dabi to let go of me so I could leave. I was about to leave when suddenly another pair of arms wrapped around me. "I told you guys I have to g-" then I realized it was tomura hugging me. "Be careful...don't let those stupid heros hurt you!" I laughed a little. "Don't worry if they think they can take me they have another thing coming!" I said in my strong voice to reassure him. He let go of me so I could go.

It took me 15 minutes to get there...and I already hated the school. I walked in and got many stares because I wasn't wearing the school uniform. I found my class and walked in. I saw someone I never wanted to see again...kachan! My blood boiled and my head filled with thoughts of killing him. I steadied my breathing and was about to keep walking when some girl with brown hair asked me to be friends with her. While we were talking I immediately turned around and starred at the door looking at the man in front of me. He was in a yellow sleeping bag and was drinking some juice. I walked over to him and squatted down so no one else could hear our conversation.

"Im guessing your out teach...Shota Aizawa,so I need to go to the principles office to get the uniform because mine never came in...besides I have more personal things I need to talk to him about." I said. He wasn't surprised anymore. He stopped drinking his thing and told me to go ahead. While I was leaving I saw him get out of the bag and start yelling "it took all of you 8 seconds to notice me while one of you classmates sensed me anf turned around ready to fight the moment I got close to the door! *Slam* you already getting left in the dust and its your first day on that!"

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