Trainer Sakonji pt. 2

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Y/n POV :

I took a deep breath to calm my nervs as I walked outside the cave. My oniichan looked at me before beginning to walk down the dirt path. Not wanting to be left behind I fallowed. As we walked I made sure to keep any bit of my skin coverd.

After walking all day the sun began to go down. As we were walking we found a women out tending to her land.
"Excuse  me ma'me?" Oniichan spoke out. The lady turned around to look at us. "Oh hello dears. How may I help you? "She asked smileing.
"We we're wondering if you knew how to get to Mt. Sagiri? " I asked looking down slightly, a bit nervous.
"Oh. You just need to go over this hill and there it is. But are you sure you want to walk this late with that luggage? "She answers.  Oniichan smiels and nods. "Its okay. And thank you for the directions miss. " he thanks bowing slightly. "Well it was no truble. Just be careful. People have been going missing lately. "We nod and contenue on our way.

A few hours had passed, and its now dark. Oniichan, Oniisan and I we're all walking down a dirt path. I was holding  Oniichan's hand and we walked upon a small temple.
"Look the lights are on. That must mean there is someone who could help us. " The older red head spoke. I nod. "Then lets go and check." I reply.

3rd person POV:

Tanjiro noded and the three of you walked up to the temple. But the closer you got, tanjiro could smell the sent of human blood. Picking up the pace, you reached the temple and slid open the doors. However, instead of seeing people praying, you saw a demon eating on the body of a human. The demon looks at you and your siblings.
"How rude of you to bardge in on me while im eating." The demon pauses smelling the air. "Are you sure your all human?"

Y/N KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now