Nicheran blade.

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The following week you, your siblings, and Ukorodoki are sitting I'm the main room. Today was the day that Tanjiro's new nicheran sword was meant to arrive. As some more time passed the faint sound of wind chimes could be heard. You look up at your brother and he looks at you before turning his attention to the older man. Ukorodoki nods slightly to the young demon slayer. 'What's that suposed to mean?' You think to yourself as you watch Tanjiro get up from his seat and head out to the porch. As he was gone Ukorodoki spoke. "Y/n. Take your sister to your room. We dont want the sword master to potentially know about your secret. "He says calmly but sternly. You nod. "Yes sir. "You say. You no longer wore your muzel. After Ukorodoki had cast his spell on you and Nezuko, you no longer saw humans as food. Besides, you liked talking since you still could.

You quickly get up and lead Nezuko to your room and close the door leaving only a small sliver of it open. You sat silently patting your sisters head as you listend to the conversation being held in the next room.


As I steped onto the small pourch, I could see a man walking down the dirt path that lead to the house. The chimes on his hat jingeled with every step that he took. He also apeard to be wearing a mask similar to Ukorodoki sensie's.

As we walked into the house excitement coursed through me. 'Im finaly getting my sword! That means  I can start defeating demons! Which means I can find a cure for Y/n and Nezuko. ' he thought as he sat back down in  his previous spot. The sword master quickly opend the wooden case the sword was held in. "Now im expecting this sword to be red! I hardly get to see red ones! And you definitely have the spirt of fire in you! "He shouted at me as I took the sword. When I finnaly held it the cool grey metal began turning black at the hilt and going all the way up. "Huh! Black!? "The sword master scretched. I lifted a eyebrow and tilted my head. "Black? What dose it mean? Is it bad? "I ask sensei. Udorodoki scratches the base of his neck. "Well. Its a rare color for one to have. And ussualy people who have them do not last long. "He says. 'What?! No. Im sure ill be fine. Besides. They said its rare. So they cant know to much about it. " I thought to my self. But I was  pulled out of my thoughts by the sword maker trying to take my sword. "H-hey! What are you doing?! "I yell pushing h off me. "I said to make it red! Not black! So give it back! "He said trying again. But luckaly sensi stoped him. "Thats enough. Thank you for traveling all this way. And for makeing this blade. "He says bowing. The swords man sighs. "Yha yha. " he replys walking out the door. I sigh and shake my head. 'What a strange man. 'I think whill observing my new blade. "Well then. You have a long day tomorrow. It would be wise for you to get some rest. "The older man spoke. I nod and tell him goodnight before dissipering into my room.

Y/n POV:

I could hear oni-san's foot steps getting closer to the room. So I quickly got away from the door and made it look as if I had been drawing. The door opend and he walked in. "Oh. Your still awake Y/n. "He said smieling as he patted my head. I smield and leanind more into his hand. "So how did it go? Heard yelling. "I say surpresing a laugh. Oni-san shakes his head and sighs. "The sword master was weird. He wanted to take my sword back because it wasent red. "He says as he sat infront of me. You tilt your head. "Huh. Can I see it? " I ask. Tanjiro nods pulling out his sword.

I gasp and smile. "It looks so cool Oni-san! "I say looking at my brother. Tanjiro blushes and rubs his neck. "Its not that impressing. But thank you. "He says. "But now its time for bed. So come on. Ill even hold you untill you fall asleep like when you were littel. "He laugh. "Hmm. Ok" I reply.

You both lay down and slowly drift of to sleep..

Y/N KamadoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon