Going to the selection.

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~~~~~~Time skip three months. ~~~~~~

The two boys stood, swords drawn, in the snow. Sabito stood in front of Tanjiro with his mask down. The two boys took a slow, deep breath before running at each other. Within an instant Sabitos mask had been cut in half.

Tanjiro POV:

I had finally managed to land a hit on Sabito. I had cut his mask into two revealing his face which wore a soft yet sad smile.
"Well done Tanjiro. You are ready to become a demon slayer. I wish you the best of luck.'' The peach haired boy whispers out before disappearing into the air around me. I stare in amazement, and shock at the sight in front of me. In front of me sat the same boulder I was tasked to break. But this time it was different. There now sat two halves of what was once one boulder. I smiled triumphantly to myself, before making my way back down the mountain.

~~~~~~~~~small time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Apon returning to the small house at the base of the mountain, excitement coursed threw my veins.

I actually did it! I passed the final lesson. Now I can become a demon slayer so that I can help Y/N and Nezuko! I  hope they wake up soon. It worries more and more. But I have to stay strong for them!

I quickly took my shoes off leaving them at the door to find sensei already in the main room. "Sensei Ukorodoki! I have completed your task of breaking the boulder. " I say, beaming with pride.

Ukorodoki takes a sip of his hot tea before speaking. "Well done Tanjiro. I am more then certain you will pass the selection. But first you must eat and get rest. You have a ways to travel tomorrow. " he says, taking another sip of his tea when he finished.  I nod my head "Hai!"

3rd person POV:

That night was the first night Tanjiro had gotten a good sleep in a few months. He had trained all day and night so that he could cut that boulder. But that was only one small obstacle the demon slayer would have to face.

The next morning, Tanjiro had risen with the sun as always. He quickly gets changed before saying good bye to a sleeping you and Nezuko.

"I'll be back soon I promises. I'm going to become a demon slayer so that I can help you like I promised. Just... Please wake up.... I miss you two." Your brother slowly and quietly places a soft kiss on each of your foreheads, before leaving the room. The redatie sat at the small table by the window eating the breakfast that was prepared for him. Soft footsteps were now making there way to the young male. "Tanjiro. " Ukorodoki calmly says. Tanjiro quietly stands to face the man with confusion lightly written on his face. "Yes sensei?" Ukorodokie moved a hand from behind his back that held a wooden fox mask similar to sabitos. The mask was white with red designs. The left eye had a red circle painted around it, while both ears   had a lighter shade painted onto the inside. (Look at the pic above)  Tanjiro  stared at the mask with amazement. "I have made you this mask in hopes that you would wear it during you selection. I have made one for all my past students. You should be no different." The man says as he hands the mask to Tanjiro. The boy quickly bows. "Thank you. I will take it with me." He finishes while standing up.

"It was no problem. Now. You should probably be off. You need to be there before sun down " Ukorodoki says adjusting the kimono on Tanjiro. The boy just nods smiling at his sensei. He quickly walked out of the house and down the dirt path. But before he got out of hearing distance he shouted one last thing to his teacher. "Say hello to Sabito for me! "He lightly yells,  turning back around and waiving as he walks away. Even though he couldn't see or hear him. Ukorodoki had a severely confused and sad look on his face.

How did he know his name? Sabito has been dead for years.

~~~~~Time skip to the selection~~~~~

Tanjiro's POV:

I had been walking for half a day now. The sun was now at its peak in the sky, the the heat radiating off of it warming my skin. looking ahead of me I say a forest filled with a majestic purple.  I gently held a cluster of the purple flower in my hand examining it.

This must be the wisteria sensei was talking about. if so, then that means that I'm close to the testing grounds.

 I let go of the hanging flowers and continue making my way threw the forest. After some time I finally made it to the trial grounds, where I saw the rest of the contenders. There were at least five other contenders. There was a boy with yellow hair, and a yellow kimono with triangles scattered across it. Next there was a girl who had black hair which she wore up in a ponytail. She was wearing a light pink kimono and had a butterfly clip fastened to her ponytail. The last person that stood out to me was another boy who had  black hair, but the sides of his hair were shaved to were hair was only growing down the middle of his head. He wore a plain magenta kimono.

suddenly two voices begin to speak snapping me back into reality looking at the two girls. One with black hair and one with white, but other then that they appeared to be twins. " welcome to the final selection." both twins spoke at once." starting at sundown all of you will enter the forest, where you will spend the next three days. You must survive all three of the days and make it back here alive . once you make it back we will explain your rankings and more ." the twins explained .

So if I want to become a demon slayer I have to survive in the forest for three days? sounds easy enough.  I thought to myself. like I said thought.

"remember. The demons normally only come out at night. But due to the density of the forest , the demons do not have to worry about the sun.so you must always be on high alert." the black haired twin spoke." now with that information. Let he finial selection begin!" both twins exclaimed . I emedintly took of towards the forest. 

This is it! All i have to do now is past this test! then ill be able to help Y/N and Nezuko!

 I do not own the video or picture above! i Also just want to say thank you for being so patient with me. I know it took me eons to upload this chapter. but i hope you liked it. I also want to give a shout out to 



I love to read your guy's comments and the fact that you understand me taking a while to wright the next part. so i just want to say thank you for being patent with me and reading my story. But that's all for now. Have a good day / night!

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