First mission

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3rd person POV

Tanjiro leads you through the village as he looked around for clues. His first mission was to figure out why girls have been going missing at night. You walked along the dirt paths and made sure your hood stayed securely fit over your head. After a while the sun had set and you were now following the young man who was last with the latest missing girl. The man suddenly stoped and turned to face your brother. "Right here. We were just walking and then i turned around and she was gone. Please. You have to find her. "He pleaded grabing onto Tanjiro's hand. Slightly stunded by the man's actions Tanjiro gently held his hands. "I promise I will do what ever i can to being her back to you. "He said. You smield to your self as the pair kept talking. You always admired your brothers ability to always see the good in people. And how he was generally nice to everyone.

But you were snapped out of your thoughts when Tanjiro yelled at you to move.

Your POV:

"Y/N!! Watch out! "I heard Oniichan warn. I quickly ran twords him only then realizing the demon that had appeared from the ground. Oniichan and I began to fight against the two demons infront of us.

As the two of you we're focused on the two demons infront of you. You failed to knowticed a third demon pop-up behind Tanjiro and lundge at him. But luckaly, Nezuko heard the demon from her box and kicked the demon.

I threw another punch at the blue haired demon infront of me. But after that all three demons had went back under ground. "Nezuko! Y/N! Come back to me! "Oniichan said. So oniisan and I did what we we're told and began running back to where Oniichan stood. I was running an not realy paying attention to my surroundings until Oniichan spoke again. "Y/N watch out! "He exlamed. I quickly look down seeing a demon pop from the ground infront of me. I flip over the demon and contenue to run over to Oniichan.

From there my siblings and I contenued to fight the demons. When Tanjiro went under the ground to fight two of the demons, Nezuko and I fought the remaining one above ground.


We had defeted the demons, well, Oniichan did. But no the less. We had finished ths mission. Oniisan and I stood behind Tanjiro while he talked to the young man from before. The man started to yell at oniichan about being to young to know what true pain is.

'Really? Oniichan helps you and saves you and this young lady from the demons and you repay him by yelling at him? '. I think to myself while watching the man.The man grabs oniichan by the neck of his uniform and pulls him twords himself. I lightly growel not happy with this. "Get your hands off Oniichan. "I say coldly. Which is weird seeing as how I will typically talk to people I don't know with respect. But I don't think he should get respect.

"Its okay Y/N. Calm down. "Oniichan says calmly while smileing at me. I sigh and nod. After that Tanjiro talks to the young man and he puts Oniichan down.

Tanjiro's POV:

The sun was now in the sky meaning Nezuko was back in her box. And after much debate, Y/N walked hand in hand beside me with her hood and sleeves covering any exposed skin. While we walk I think back on ths information given to me by the demon.

'I'm not alone. How many people have you killed, tourtered, tormented?! I'll never forget you Muzan Kibutsuji. I'll make you pay! ' I thought to myself until my crow landing on my shoulder brought me back to reality. "Head to Tokyo now!! Rumer has theres a demon lurking around! "The Birds Squawks out. "Ive/you've got another mission already?! "Both Y/N and I exlamed at the same time. "Oh yes you do! "The crow says. "Can you atleast give him a minuet?! "Y/n says to the crow. "No time!! Move it! "The crow says rather rudely. We begin running as the bird and I continue to argue back and forth.

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