Going home

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(I'm going to skip through the actual fights. Sorry. It just saves time.)

3 person POV:

It was three days later and the final selection had ended. The sun had reached its peak in the sky, now shining down on the surviving attendees. Tanjiro stood near the back of the group after getting the injuries he had sustanded taken care of. The surviving people consisted of the yellow haird boy, the girl with the butterfly hair pin and lastly the other boy with shaved hair.  Like before the twins stood on the stage infront of the  newly pronounced demon slayers.  Eventually they began to speak.

Tanjiro's POV:

I stood at the back waiting for the two girls to tell us what would happen now that we had finished our final test. But luckaly I didn't have to wait for to long because the black haird girl began to speak. "Congratulations on completing the final test to become Demon Slayers. Now we will begin to exp-" the girl got cut of by the boy with shaved hair. I watched as the boy grabed her by the hair and began to shout at her! " I want my color changing sword! Where the hell is it!!" When he began to shake her  by the hair I decided to intervene. I quickly ran up to the two grabing the boy by his sleeve. "Let her go! " I yelled at the slightly taller male. "Huh? Why should I? What are you gonna do? Punch me?!" He screamed in my face. And so I did. I punched him right in the face, making him fall to the groundetring go of the girl's hair in the prosses. I turned to the girl and gently smoothed down her hair, "Are you okay? I'm sorry he did that to you. " the girl just looked up at me with a blank stare. "Yes. Thank you. "Is all she said before turning back to the front. I took this as my cue to go back to mh spot, leaving the boy unconscious on the ground.

***********Small time skip************

After the girls finished telling us about the different  ranks, it was finally time for us to choose the ore for our nicheran blades. We all stood in a group waiting for our turns, when finally it was mine. I stood at the front of the group and looked into the box which held what would be my future blade. Feeling over welmed I closed my eyes and used my best sense and quiet literally sniffed out the right stone. Opening my eyes again I grabed the stone I had just chosen and handed it to  the white haired little girl in front of me. "I choose this one. " I tell her before turning around to make my way back to the place that I have called home for the last two years. To the place where my sisters would be waiting. And to the place where I would soon begin my new career as a demon slayer, and where my promise to turn my sisters back to humans would finally begin.

****Time skip and 3 Person POV****

The sun began to set on Japan making the air around Tanjiro begin to cool. As the red head made it to the top of the hill, he began to run. He began to run because when he got to the top of the hill, he saw you and Nezuko awake and waiting in the doorway. Upon seeing him, the two of you began to run to Tanjiro. But due to his injures your brother triped but dident hit the ground. Instead he landed in you're arms taking you to the ground with him. But you didn't care. You just latched onto your brother soon being joind by your older sister in a sibling group hug. " I've missed you oni-chan. " you cry out. Tanjiro smiles and whispers out, " I missed you to Y/N. "
You soon felt another pair of arms wrap around you three. "Welcome home Tanjiro. You did it. " Ukorudoki whispered out.

And this is where it would begin. Tanjiro's journey to cure his sister's and rid the world of the demon who killed his family has finally begun. Well, it would truly begin  the moment hs recived his sword. But to him, it already had begun.

(Thank you for reading this chapter!!  Im really sorry for the late updates. But like I have stated in my community posts, I was falling out of this fandom. But I have finally gotten my motivation back. So I will try to have uplads more often. Also. Dont forget I am having a new cover contest. The best cover will become the new cover of this book and the winer will also receive a shout out and a piece of fan art. If you want more on the rules and prizes, go look at my last authors note. So until my next uplad! Have a good day/night everybody!)

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