Training begins.

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*time skip because I'm lazy*

Tanjiro is in your shared room wrighting down the days events like always.

Tanjiro POV:

I sigh setting down my pencil and place my head down on the desk. I turn my head to look at my sisters. I promise. I'll find a cure and turn you back into humans... Just.. Please wake up for me. I silently think to my self beginning to drift to sleep.

*The next morning.*

I slowly open my eyes, while letting out a silent yawn. "Okay. Time for training."
I quietly make my way outside where I'm meeted by my sensei.
"I have riged the mountain with many traps. You are to climb the mountain and descend it as yesterday. " ukorudoki spoke as we walked the the base of the mountain.

After we arrived I made my way up the mountain useing my ability to smell to find the traps. There weren't many traps going up, but going down was a whole nother story.

Oh my god! Is he actually trying to to kill me!? I think to my self as I dodge a flying log only to be hit by a second one sending me into a pit.

I can smell them coming, but my reaction time is still not enough. I can't only relay in my smell.

*Time skip to when he got down the mountain. *

3rd person POV:

The young red head had finnaly made it to the base of the mountain to find ukorodoki with a practice sword.

"Good. Now swing this 1,000 times no stoping. " the man spoke handing the sword to Tanjiro.
"Hai! " he replies already beginning to swing the wooden sword.

"999... And 1,000" The red head breaths out. "Now do 1000 more." The older man commands. At that moment it looked like the soul left Tanjiro's body.

*time skip to dinner*

Ukorodoki sets a bowl of rice infront of Tanjiro, who is already thanking him for the food. "You did well today. Tomarow you will descend the mountain once more,and then I will teach you how to breath properly." Tanjiro nods eating his rice.

And so it went on like this for a year. Tanjiro would train all day then wright in his journal to tell you and Nezuko all about his training. You and your sister still have not woken up. Tanjiro feard something may be wrong with the two of you. So ukorudoki called a doctor to check on you, but they could find nothing wrong. Hearing this made Tanjiro worry less,but still worry non the less.

Tho, Tanjiro's training came to an end soon enough.

"Okay! I'm ready for my lesson!" The determined boy cheerd. "I have nothing left to teach you. Your training is finished." The masked man spoke plainly, as Tanjiro's face contorted in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm not a demon slayer yet. There has to be something left?" He spoke slightly rushed. His sensei nodded. "Fallow me. If you can complete this last task. I will give you permission to attend the next selection. "

So, the two walk threw the woods where they are met with a large bolder in a clearing. Ukorodoki looks at Tanjiro from behind his mask. "If you can cut this boulder you will get my permission. " Tanjiro has a look of shock and confusion on his face. "How am I supposed to cut this!? "He ask, but he knowtices that his sensei is already gone. Now by him self Tanjiro walks up to the large stone while unsheathing his sword. He strikes the stone only to be met with large waves on vibration going through his body. He let's out a sigh knowing this will be a hard and long process.

Even though this is going to be difficult. I have to do this. I have to become a demon slayer so I can help Y/N and Nezuko!

Like that Tanjiro began training him self on everything he was thought. So for month after month he would train, try to cut the stone and fail, train again, and the process would repeat. It had now been three months since he had been given the task. His hair had grown down to his shoulders and it was now snowing. You and Nezuko still have yet to wake from your sleep.

Tanjiro was currently stood in front of the stone. He takes a breath using the technique he had been taught. He brought his sword above his head, bringing it down onto the stone only to have to effect. The boy groans lightly hitting his head on the stone. "That is not how a man should act. And only men can be demon slayers. Not boys." A new and random voice spoke from above your brother. Tanjiro quickly snapped his head up and jumped away from the voice.

On the stone sat a boy about Tanjiro's age. He had light peach colored hair, with a white fox mask that had a mark on its right cheek. The boy also dawned a white hayori and a yellow and green triangle print kimono. "Now tell me. Why do you want to become a demon slayer? " the boy spoke. "I want to help my sisters and to help others from being hurt by demons." Tanjiro spoke out. The pink haird boy jumps down if the rock landing in front of Tanjiro.
"Well then. If you want to protect your sisters. You'll have to prove to me that you even have the strength to do so." The boy unsheathed a wooden sword. "But you don't have a real sword! I'll hurt you! " Tanjiro trys to reason with the boy in front of him. The pink haired boy smirks underneath his mask. "We will have to see about that. " and with that he ran at Tanjiro. Tanjiro quickly moved his sword to block the incoming attack. But the masked boy quickly moved behind Tanjiro hitting him on the back, causing the red head to turn around. But doing that only allowed the mystery boy to hit him in the chin with his sword, knocking Tanjiro out.

The boy sighs. "He will need help. But I can tell he has potential. This should be fun"

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