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The sun had long since disappeared leaving the moon in it's place. You, Nezuko and Tanjiro had just reached Tokyo where the demon was said to be lurking. Takeing a quick sniff of the air Tanjiro smelt nothing odd, and just then the rumbleing of his stomic set him on a new mission.

A while later the three of you werw at outside of a small ramen vendor waiting on Tanjiro's order. You and Nezuko had drifted off to sleep when a new set made its way into your brothers system.


I smield seeing my sisters both peacefully sleeping with there head leaned against eachother. I took a bite if my food when it happend. This smell. It smells like the sent left at my home! Wait. Dose this mean?. He thinks before his bowl falls to the ground breaking.

I quickly stood up and ran to where the sent was coming from ignoring the vendor yelling at me about his bowl.
Pushing through the crowed I saw a tallish man. His skin was pale and he had red eyes and hair as black as cole. He was dresses in a white suit and hat and black dress shoes. I ran and grabbed onto the back of his jacket. "Daddy? Who's this? " a little girl said.
Daddy?  I thought looking over to my right to see a woman holding a little girl. He has a family! He's pretending to be human?!   Tanjiro mentally screams.
"Can I help you young man? " Muzan asked, takeing in every aspect of the boy infront of him. "U-um no. Sorry. I thought you were someone else. "I stutter letting him go. Muzan grins. "Its quiet alright. Juat make sure you don't go around grabing random people young man. "He says before walking off with his family. I'm about to walk away and back to my sisters when I notice Muzan doing somwthing. He holds up a finger the nail in it growing long and sharp. And within a second he had stabed and innocent man in the back of hia neck effectively turing him into a demon. Once the man turned into a demon he attempted to attack his wife but I quickly ran in between the two stoping him from bitting her with my sword. "Go! Get out of here! "I yell to the people. "I said go! "I repeat and the people finally begin running away. By this time I relised that police officers had begun trying to restrain me and the demon. "No stop! He's dangerous! Get away from us! I know what im doing! "I try to explain but they don't stop until a pink fog begins filling the air around us makeing the officers run off and the demon pass out. 'Huh? Whats going on? 'I think to my self, but I soon return to reality when someone places a rag over my mouth. "Cover your mouth. Humans can't injest her smoke. "The voice that I belive belongs to a male says.

3rd Person POV:

Tanjiro had spoke to who he now knows is Lady Tamayo and Yushiro. Lady Tamayo sent Yushiro with Tanjiro to retreave you and Nezuko from the food cart and then return back to her home.

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