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Taehyung smiled wide" you must be Seokjin, right?" The taller man in front of Tae nodded.

"Yep that's me, so your Taehyung?" Taehyung nodded "you're even more beautiful in real life," Seokjin said with a small smirk.

Tea blushed "thank you, your more handsome" Seokjin smiled before making awkward hand gestures.

The smile never left Jin's face, "so should we go to the new cafe?" The two boys got into Seokjin's car. On the drive, they made small talk. Talking about unimportant things. Soon, Seokjin pulled up to the cafe.
C.Through Cafe. The two walked into the Instagram worthy cafe.

It date went well. They talked about them self's and why they were on Tinder. They got on very well. There was never a moment of silence. Jin told dad jokes that made Taehyung laugh so hard. Later, they left the cafe and went to see a film at the closest cinema.

After a couple of hours, the film ended so they left. Seokjin then drove Taehyung back home. "Thank you for today, I enjoyed it," Taehyung said smiling. Jin returned the smile.
"Me too, can I umm have your number?" Jin said blushing, his ears going bright red. Taehyung took his phone out and passed it to Seokjin. He took the phone and put his number in. "I'll text you, ok?" Taehyung nodded.

"Good night then" Taehyung waved as he stepped out the car.

"Good night" Taehyung stood up and walked towards his flat building. When he got to his flat, he kicked his shoes off next to the door. He then went to his room and changed into his comfy clothes. Sitting on his settee, he turned the TV on as he thought about his date. Seokjin was really sweet and funny but he couldn't see himself dating Jin. Tae saw him more as a friend.

Taehyung went back on Tinder and messaged the second person he matched with. Yoongi. The two boys arranged a date for Thursday so Taehyung could rest the next day( and tell Jimin about Seokjin). They were going bowling. Tae mentally wished himself good luck. Soon, he went to bed after a long day out.

TEDDY BEAR - DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora