Chapter 2

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Rocky's P.O.V
2 days later

I help Taliya into the house. The kids are all sleeping, or at least that's what Riker says. I help my fiancée to bed. I rest her foot on a pillow, heating pad under her back and wrapped around her ribs. "I'm good, Rocky." She whines as I get out extra blankets.

I sigh as I sit next to her. "Okay, love. I'll make sure none of the kids come in here, yeah?" I ask as her eyes start to close. She just nods. I kiss her forehead before leaving the room. I sigh as I close the door. I walk downstairs. "Yeah, they're sleeping." I growl at my older brother.

"Daddy, we want mommy." Hazel says quietly.

I sigh as a tear slips out if my eyes. "Mommy's sleeping," I lie.

"Daddy, tomorrow's my birthday. I want to see mommy," she begins to cry.

I nod and open my arms to her. She runs until she slams into my chest. She sobs into my shirt. "Daddy, we haven't seen her in three months, please!" Luke begs.

I sigh and pull away from Hazel. I help the twins upstairs and open the door to my room. I lift them onto the bed, allowing them to crawl next to Taliya. "MOMMY!" Hazel yells as Taliya opens her eyes.

Taliya smiles weakly and pulls out daughter into a hug. "Hi, baby." She whispers as tears make their way down her face.

"Mommy, I missed you," Luke says as he crawls next to her.

She pulls him into the hug along with the twins. "Mommy, are you okay? Are you leaving us again?"

Taliya looks at Hazel, shaking her head. "I hope not. But I need to talk to daddy." She says. All the kids nod and exit the room.

Riker gets the twins and brings them downstairs. she pats a spot next to her, signaling me to sit down. I take a deep breath and sit next to her. "Look I-"

She cut me off. "I don't need an explanation. I was thinking in the car and... I don't want to break up. I don't want anyone besides you, you're one of a kind. No matter how many mistakes you make, you'll always be perfect to me, Rocky. I know you missed me, I know you love me, I heard you. The last three months, I heard you. Every apology, every cry for help, every 'I love you', every promise. I'm honestly proud of you and... I love you. I love you so much." She says as she stares deep into my eyes.

I smile and pull her into my chest. I fall back onto the bed, pulling her on top of me. "Fuck, Taliya. I love you so fucking much. Please don't ever scare me like that again. I missed you so much!"

She shakes her head.

~after the kids are in bed~

Taliya lays her head on my bare chest. After a while of her drawing shapes on my chest, her hand falls and her breathing slows down. I look down at my sleeping princess. Correction, My sleeping queen. After a while of staring at her, my eyes start to get heavy. They quickly shoot open as Taliya moves off me. She starts shaking as she faces the other way.

I rest my hand on her hip. "Taliya, baby. Hey, wake up." I whisper as I gently shake her. Her eyes open slowly. "Are you okay, babe?" I ask concernedly.

She nods and lays on her back, running her fingers through her hair. "Yeah, I'm okay. I think," she says out of breath.

I crawl over. "Hey, it's okay. Calm down, baby. I'm right here." I whisper as I brush away her tears. She shrugs helplessly, shattering my heart into a million pieces. "Wanna talk about it?" I ask nervously.

She stares at me for a minute. "Yeah, but we need to go downstairs." She says quietly.

I nod and get off of her. I help her up, leading her to the kitchen. I flick on the lights. I silently make her some coffee. "Okay, here you go, baby. So, what happened?"

She holds the cup with both hands. "Uhm.. well, when I was five I was out into my first foster home." I nod as I sip my drink. "And one night, Linda, the mother figure, came into my room. She said she was bored so we should play a game. All I had to do was lay on the bed. Of course I said I wanted to play, I was five! Then.. umm," tears begin streaming down her face. "She went under the blanket, forced my legs apart, and yeah.." She sighs.

My jaw hangs from the rest of my face. "I-Is that why you don't like it when I..?" I trail off.

She nods. "Yeah, but there's more." She bites her lip, trying to contain her tears.

I nod and scoot my chair closer to her. "Go on, you're doing great, babe."

She takes a deep breath. "I ran away after that. Then wh-when I was E-Eleven, I was put into another foster home. This one was only a mom and her son, Andrew. Amy, the mom, was n-never home. So Andrew was com-completely in charge. He was 15 maybe 16? On my birthday, I turned 12, he said he wanted to show me something because I'm a big girl now." She closes her eyes to take another breath. then, she bursts into tears. "H-His girlfriend had dumped him and he said he liked me. He pinned me down and slammed into me!" She sobs and falls into my chest.

I pull her onto my lap. "Hey, baby, it's okay," was all I managed to get out.

She shook her head. "No, it isn't! I'm such a horrible person! And because of that, to this day, I'm still nervous that something like that is going to happen to one of my kids. I-I'm scared of everything lately, Rocky! That's why I didn't want an explanation before I left, because I was scared you were going to realize that it's not me you want." She cries as she looks up at me.

I bite my bottom lip hard as I wipe her tears. "I'll always want you," o whisper before shoving my lips onto hers.

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