Chapter 17

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Rocky's P.O.V

I wake up the next day, at 4:30pm. I rub my eyes that are all puffy from crying so much last night. I get up and walk downstairs. I walk to the kitchen to find Taliya making tacos. "Hey," I croak.

She turns around, smiling cheekily at me. "Hi, baby. Hungry?"

I sit on the counter near her. "Kind of," I say quietly.

She puts a lid on the pot she is cooking the meat in. She walks over to me, standing between my legs. "How are you feeling, baby?" She asks sweetly.

"My throat hurts," I groan.

She cups my cheeks softly. "Want a kiss and some tea to make it better?" I nod, pouting. Taliya leans up until our lips connect. I hold her body close to me as she pulls back. "You're alright," she assures me as she combs her fingers through my hair. "Dinner!" She yells to the kids.

Everyone sits at the kitchen table. She makes everyone tacos and my tea. "Thank you, babe," I say as she sets my dinner in front of me.

She steals a quick kiss before fixing my tea. After she sets it in front of me, she makes her own dinner. "Kids, mommy has something to tell you guys," Taliya looks at me nervously. I nod, indicating that she should tell them. "Mommy's having another baby."

Luke looks at me confused. I excuse myself from the table. I walk upstairs, slamming my bedroom door. My body decides to slam itself against the wall. "It's.." that's one slam. "Not.." two slams. "My.." three slams, "KID!" Four, five and six slams.

"Rocky! Stop!" Taliya shrieks with my sister behind her.

Shit, I forgot she was coming over for dinner.

I collapse onto the ground. Taliya and Rydel rush over to me. "Baby, stop hurting yourself," Taliya pleads.

Rydel sits in front of me. "Rock, are you okay?" She asks as she places a hand on my knee.

I flinch away from her, scooting closer to Taliya. "I hate this," I whimper. Taliya combs her fingers through my hair. "Can I go to bed?"

"You just woke u-" I cut Taliya off.

"Can I go to bed?" I growl.

Taliya and Rydel exchange looks. "Sure," Taliya sighs. I climb in bed, balling up under the covers. I watch Rydel walk out and Taliya climb on my waist. "Stop hurting yourself, alright? For me?" I nod. She leans down and kisses me softly. "Alright, I love you," she smiles sweetly.

I grab her hand, pulling it to my lips and kissing it. "I love you more," I say quietly. She gets off of me, walking out the door.

"Why do I love the way she walks so much!?" I scream at myself in my head.

"Oh yeah," I laugh. "Because she's my stubborn wife," i say out loud.

I close my eyes and allow myself to fall asleep.

Taliya's P.O.V

"Luke and Hazel, its a school night. Go get ready for bed," I demand for the third time.

Luke looks at me, then Hazel. "Fine," he groans.

They walk upstairs. "You two, also. Bedtime," I point to the twins.

"DAD IS IN THE BATHROOM!" Hazel yells.

We all walk upstairs. I press my ear against the door to hear small sobs. "Babe, are you okay?" I ask quietly.

He opens the door, just enough to hand me the kids' toothbrushes. I take them and bring them to my room. They brush their teeth in my bathroom before going to their rooms. I tuck everyone in and walk back to the bathroom.

I knock softly. "Rock, are you alright?" I ask as I place a hand on my stomach.

He opens the door. "I'm fine, love." He caresses my cheek lightly.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "Will you come to the hospital with me?" I ask quietly.

"What about--" I cut him off.

"Rydel is still here. She said she'll watch them until we get back. My stomach hurts really bad and I cant," I break into tears.

He pulls me into his chest. "Come on, let's get ready and go."

Rocky packs me a bag, just in case they want to keep me over night. After doing a few tests, I sit impatiently curled into Rocky's chest. "Mrs. Lynch?" A doctor calls as he enters the small room. I look up slowly. She kneels in front of Rocky and I. "Hun, I'm sorry. You had a miscarriage," she says as sweetly as possible.

I nod and cry into Rocky's chest. He rubs my back as I feel tear drops on my head. "Come on, babe. Let's go home," he whispers in my ear.

He pulls me up. We walk to the car, driving home in silence. When we get home, Rocky tells Rydel and she just hugs me. I cry into her shoulder. I pull back and run upstairs. Rocky comes into our room after his sister leaves. As I lay on the bed, Rocky climbs over me.

He lifts my chin. "The last thing I want you to do, is blame yourself, alright?" I nod. He plants his lips onto mine. I didn't want to end up doing this tonight, but I need to. Rocky pulls out of the heated kiss. "Are you sure?" He asks softly.

I put my forehead against his. "Yeah," I breath against his lips.


I wake up the next morning to the sum rays hitting me in the face. I look back at Rocky, just to see him already looking at me. I lay on my back to see him better. He moves and hovers over me. I brush a piece of hair away from his eyes. "Have you ever loved someone so much, it hurts so bad?"

He nods and kisses me. "I'm looking straight at her," he whispers. My stomach growls, causing us both to laugh quietly. "I'll go make you breakfast," he gets up.

I pull his wrist back, Causing him to fall on the bed next to me. I climb over him. "Where do you think your goin'? I ask as I pin him against the sheet.

Rocky bites my bottom lip. "Make you a meal," he says after pulling back.

I shake my head and smash my lips to his.

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