Chapter 20

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The next day. Taliya's P.O.V

"Table for five?" The woman from The Outback asks.

I nod. "Please," I smile. She leads the kids and I to a table.

"Mommy?" Caley says quietly.

I lean down so my ear is near her. "yes, baby?" I whisper.

She asks, "why didn't daddy come with us?"

Luke looks at me concernedly. "Because daddy and I aren't on the best terms right now," I sigh as I look at the menu. "What do you want?" I ask her.

Once we order, all the children begin coloring. Caley and Hazel talk while Luke and Logan talk. My phone vibrates in my pocket.

Rocky: I'm sorry.

Taliya: not the time.

Rocky: then when is? We always
have the kids around.

Taliya: when I'm fucking ready
to hear your bullshit.

Rocky: Taliya, I love you no
matter what.

I shove my phone back into my pocket as our food is set on the table. "Mom, are you okay?" Luke asks as he shoves a French fry in his mouth, noticing I've been picking at my food.

I nod. "Yeah," I say quietly.

I don't talk to anyone for the rest of dimmer. We finish up and I pay. After I get home, I put the kids to bed and Sit on the couch. Rocky sits next to me. "You never answered me earlier," he says as I look at my hands. I shrug, twirling my fingers. Rocky sighs as he slides his fingers through mine. "It hurts when you don't say 'I love you' back."

I pull my hand away from his. "I do love you, it's just that I'm extremely pissed at you right now," I wipe away a tear. "You can't say he isn't my son then act like nothing happened," I whisper.

He nods. "Yes, I know and-"

I cut him off. "Obviously, you don't know. You wouldn't keep doing it if you knew," I growl. He sighs in defeat. "Who's sleeping on the couch?"

He looks at me, "I will."

After he gets a blanket and a pillow, I walk to bed. I flop around for hours. Finally, at 2:45am, I decide to get up. I walk downstairs and crawl into Rocky's arms. I place my head in the croak of his neck as I intertwine our legs. "I miss you," I whisper.

He runs his fingers through my hair. "I'm here, baby. I'm here," he says quietly and assuringly. ~ I wake up and clutch onto Rocky tightly. "I'm bringing you upstairs, love."

I nod and release my grasp as he sets me on the bed. I bring his face closer to mine, kissing his lips gently. "Love you," I whisper as he walks to the door.

"I love you more," He smiles.

I lay in bed for a while and start to think. Its getting harder and harder to forgive Rocky, yet I can't live without him. I can't even sleep without him.

I jump out of bed and race downstairs. Rocky shoots up from the floor where he's playing with the kids. "What?" He asks as I pant, out of breath.

I smash my lips sloppily to his. "I think I'm fucking ready to hear your bullshit."

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