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We don't have plenty of time before Mark goes to America, so I wanted to make our last moment together memorable by going on a ski trip with Suga, Sora, and Felix. Everyone will meet at my house, and from there we'll go to the ski resort. 

9:30 am. 

Sora, Felix, and Suga were at my house with their luggage, eager for our ski trip. Before we could depart from the house and hit the road, we were waiting on Mark who was bringing our luggage downstairs. Honestly, this is going to be my first time skiing and going on a ski trip. 

"Are you guys ready?" I asked. 

They gave me a powerful, clear answer. "Yes!" They shout in unison. 

Mark came down with our luggage, and I grasped my luggage from Mark's hand. 

"Let's go." I smiled at them before rolling my luggage out of the house. 

Mark took my luggage from my hand and everyone else's luggage and stored them in the back of the car. I hopped in the passenger seat, and Mark was driving us there. 

As we were on our way to the ski resort in one hand, Mark held my hand, and the other hand was on the steering wheel. I glanced at our entwined finger and then at him before returning a smile of my own. I know that I am going to miss holding his soft, beloved, and warm hands when he is away and that gorgeous smile of his. 

Once we arrived at the ski resort, we had a tour guide show us around our huge and cozy cabin. As I scanned around the cabin, our cabin was very luxurious. Mark and I selected our room to share, and we unloaded our luggage in the room. 

Mark lured me into his warm embrace and kissed the top of my head. Mark and I explored the cabin some more and discovered a hot tub in our cabin. 


Everyone was outside in the freezing weather skiing while Mark was instructing me how to ski since it was my first time skiing. 

"I am going to give you a light push, and I want you to find your balance," Mark informed. Mark gave me a soft push on my back. I was slowly traveling on the snow, but it didn't remain for long until I lost my stability and flopped face-first onto the snow. 

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, cleaning snow off my face. I nodded my head. "Do you want to try again?" 

"Yea," I said. 

Mark helped me, and I decided to try again. Mark gave me a delicate push, and there I was skiing down the hill on my own, but we have one problem. I don't know how to stop. 

I closed my eyes and began screaming out at the top of my lungs. Suddenly, I sensed my body crash into something. I gradually opened my eyes to find myself in Mark's embrace, lying on the snow. 

I began to giggle because it was fun and a bit frightening at the same time. As I was lying on the snow with Mark, I decided to create a snow angel. 


I stepped out onto the terrace, admiring the beautiful night view. I could detect the little stars who were sparkling. Someone wrapped their jacket around me then hugging me from behind, resting their chin on my shoulder. 

Mark slipped something around my neck. I look down to see a moon star necklace. 

"I want to give you something special before I leave. Even though we may be worlds apart, hopefully, it reminds you of me when I can't be there," Mark mentioned. My heart swelled with pride as I realized how fortunate I was that fate blessed me with a soulmate like him. 

He hugged me and kissed my forehead, and I smiled brightly as my face was barricaded in his chest. Everything was perfect as if it was a layout. 

"Meet me in the hot tub," Mark whispered. Those words instantly travel shivers down my spine. 


I observed Mark chilling in the hot tub shirtless. I nearly choked on my saliva, seeing Mark's abs even though it wasn't my first time seeing him shirtless. I couldn't help but sense butterflies in my stomach. I sat on the edge of the hot tub, dipping my feet into the water. 

Mark watched me submerge myself into the hot tub. In a loving way, Mark simply smiled at me. 

I gradually approached him and said, "Hi," The way his eyes glistened as he smiled. It completely melted my heart away. Mark's hand covered my cheek, leaning closer to me. 

His nose meeting mine, his eyes meeting mine, and his soft lips meeting mine. The kiss was very slow, soft, and filled with love. I smiled against his lips, feeling him raise me up and placed me onto his lap as I wrapped my legs around his torso, his hand on my thighs, gripping them tightly, and the kiss deepened. The kiss progressed, then became passionate. 

Mark and I decided to head back to our room. Once we were in our room, I hopped on the bed, snuggling in Mark's arms before closing my eyes to say goodnight. 


Promise || Mark TuanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora