Ch. 30 - Izuku

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It had been a couple months of training with Mr. Aizawa. Hus training was tough but Toshi and I survived. We practiced with individual weapons since our quirks weren't really helpful physically, well what I was willing to use. I chose a bowstaff and Toshi chose Mr. Aizawa's scraf thing. He trained us in diffrent forms of martial arts including Kung Fu, Judo, Karate, and more. Together Toshi and I cleaned up 
Takoba Municipal Beach Park, which was trashed beyond belief, and we finished the day of the U.A. entrence exams.

"You did good boys," Mr. Aizawa said patting our heads. I eagerly look up to him, ready for the exam. "Now, we should probably get going, I'm not willing to get the earful from Nedzu about being on time. I'll see you boys later, goodluck," he said leaving. Toshi and I look at each other and shurg in response.

"You have everything Izu?"

"Yeah. Oh, don't forget your water bottle!" I say tossing his water bottle.

"Oh yeah, thanks," he says catching it. We put everything in our bags, Tulip included, and head to the station. We kept quiet on the train, like many people. It was taboo to be loud on a train, Toshi taught me. We hopped off the train at our stop and walked the rest of the way, finally making it to U.A. I was so excited.

"Come on! Let's go Toshi!" I yell running in. As I happy sped to the entrence, I ended up tripping on my own foot. As I didnt have enough time to put my hand up, I fell ready to hit the ground. Unprepared, I was surprised when I felt a tap on my back and I didn't hit the floor. I look up and there's a girl standing there.

"Sorry I used my quirk on you," she said standing me up. Toshi runs next to me.

"Zuku, you have to be careful," he said carefull examining me.

"Again I'm sorry," the girl spoke as she pressed her finger tips together, and I fall to my feet. I look up at her excitedly.

"Whoa! Whats your quirk that was so cool! Is it like an anti gravity? Its quite useful, especially for someone as clumsy as me. Can you use it on yourself? How do you activate it?" I asked excitedly.

"Calm down Zuku, you're startling her." I get imbalanced and hide behind Toshi.

"Sorry," I mutter.

"Oh no, it's fine. But yeah my quirk does have so.ething to do with zero gravity! If I touch someone they lose their gravity and float, I can do ot with objects as well and on myself. To release, I just press my finger tips together," she smiles.

"Well thanks for saving my brother, good luck," Toshi waves. I also wave her goodbye and put my face in my hands embarrassed. "Dont worry Zuku, I don't think she cared," he pats my back.

"I-I don't k-know," I stutter.

"Hey, don't worry, it might mess with how you di. Now, let's go so we can sit next to each other." We head inside and take a seat in about the middle waiting for the presentation to start. After a while, Mr. Yamada walks out. He starts to talk about all the points and I mutter nervously in response. Toshi ended up taking Tulip out and giving her to me to calm down.

"Sir! It says there are 4 diffrent Robots! I don't believe U.A. would make that kind of mistake. And you with the rabbit, please stop m I mumbling like a scared child! To be a hero you must be brave." I mumble a sorry and Toshi gives him a death glare.

"That is correct, there is a 4th robot, but it is worth no points, so avoid it at all costs," Mr. Yamada explains. He gives me a wink slightly calming me down. "Now its time to head to your training grounds, good luck kids!" He yells. "And remember go PLUS ULTRA!"

Toshi and I look at our slips and see we have two diffrent training grounds. "Well that sucks, but we'll be fine, right Izu?"I nod neveously and Mr. Yamada walks over.

"Hey boys, Izuku, would you like me to take Tulip so nothing happens to her?" I nod and hand her over. "Well good luck boys," he says and waves us goodbye. I head to the training ground I was assigned and wait. I ended up running into the girl from earlier.

"Hey there! Uh... I never caught your name? Mind if I can get it?"

"O-oh its M-M-"

"You there? The scared child from earlier, I understand your not taking this seriously but you don't need to distract others!" The kid from earlier says. I hide behind the girl who chuckles and looks seriously at the kid.

"I was the one who asked for his name now coul-"

"Right, are you kids ready!" Yells Mr. Yamada from the intercom. Everone gets prepared to run in. "On your marks, gets set, go!" Everyone runs in and I end up getting trampled in the process. After standing up, covered in dirt, I run in to see most of the robots being destroyed. I see a 1 pointer and go to get it when its destroyed by a belly button beam from a blond kid. He says something in French and runs away. Throughout the entire time, I try to destroy the robots, but because Toshi and I weren't allowed to have our weapons due to it had nothing to do with out quirks, I had no advantage.

Time passes when a rumbling happens and giant robots appear. The one pointers. I stand still, scared while others run away. As I finally turn to run, I see the nice girl from earlier, trapped under some rubble. I run to help her, tugging at her arm to pull her out, but the robot was getting closer. I had to do somthing. I take a breath and ask for her help.

"Float me up, if I can stop it I can save you!" She nods and gives me a snack and I float up. I land on its arm and she releases me. I run up its arm to it's face and take of my collar. Immediatly the black mist is released and the robot falls to the ground, me along with it. As I fall I feel a smack to my face. I float, inches above the ground, when the timer runs out. I'm dropped to the ground and the girl next to me throws up. I stand up and rub her back as she pukes and sollemly stand there as I just knew I had failed.

"Times up Listeners! Hope you did good! Remember PLUS ULTRA!" As Mr. Yamada spoke, Recovery girl went around dealing with the nice girl and other wounded people. After some gummies, the nice girl was fine.

"Thanks for saving me, you didn't have to do that you know," she says.

"I couldnt just leave you," I answer. She smiles and hands me something.

"I'm sorry but your necklace got crushed by the robot." Thay when I notice I wasn't wearing it. I start to freak out and some mist was beginning to seep from my body. I bolt out of there, running to the school and through the hallways, from the last time I visited to the nurses office. I hid in there shaking when the door opened.

"Izu, you okay bud?" It was Mr. Aizawa. "Hey buddy it's okay, nothings going to happ-"

"Go away! I don't wanna hurt you!" I cry.

"Hey remember the hospital. You didn't hurt me then. Besided I brought Tulip. She misses you." I peak out from behind a curtain I was hiding behind and reach out for Tulip. "Power loader has been told, he's making you a new one but its going to take a while."

"Then I'll stay in my room till it's finish."

"Haha, yeah no. Thats not happening, let's not pull a Shinsou, you'll worry us."

"Hey, rude," Shinsou said walking in. I shrink back into my corner.

"How about we talk about it at home, let's go Izu," Mr. Aizawa says holding his hand out. I wearily take it and together Mr. Aizawa, Toshi, Mr. Yamada and I go home.

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