Ch. 12 - Nezu

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I was in the middle of a meeting when I got a call. A call that I've been expecting for a while.

"I am very sorry for the interruption, but I must take this call. We'll continue the meeting tommorrow. Dismissed," I say waving the heros goodbye.

"Good evening, Principal Nezu speaking," I answer the call.

"Hello Nezu, this is Sera Rin from xxx hospital."

"Ah, yes. I've been expecting your call for some time now."

"And I apologize for the wait. It's taken a while for him to speak with me. Who knew playing with him would work."

"Mmm, not I. So, what have you gathered?"

"You were correct sir. His home is indeed not safe. I have the tape of his confession here with me."

"Ah, perfect. When is an appropriate time for me to come and pick it up?"

"Before we discuss that, my pay? You know. I had to leave my job in the government just to babysit a child for you."

"But you're the best of the best, I doubt just anyone would've worked."

Some grumbling was heard on the other line. "So the pay? The rest of the ¥1,000,000, you have it, correct?"

"Of course I do, but it depends on the evidence."

"Goodness, why do you care about this kid so much? He's just some brat with daddy and mommy issues."

"So how about ¥500,000. It appears this was an easy task for you which deserves less pay no?"

"Excuse me? You made me leave my job for ¥500,000? We had a deal at ¥1,000,000."

"Hm... well I did hear that on the night of xx/xx someone had a little too much to drink. It'd be a shame if a certain rich man were to find out. I believe his name is Sera Kayo... Be a shame wouldn't it?"

"Fine. ¥500,000 and sealed lips."

"As long as the evidence is in my hands at... let go with 3:00pm."

"3:00 pm? I'm working and it's already... 1:42 pm!"

"Then you better hurry." With that I hung up. I don't have the patience to deal with that woman. Still smiling, I sigh and rub the temples of my head. About an hour and 15 minutes. It's what she gets.

"Nezu, there's cake and tea in the teacher's lounge. Would you like some?" Midnight asked poking her head through the door.

"Ah!" I smile. "I could never say no to some tea and cake," I say.


There was a knock on the door to my office. "Principal Nezu, theres someone at the gates claiming you wanted to talk to her."

"What's her name?"

"Sera Rin."

"Send her in, and please have someone escort her to my office."

"Yes sir."

About 10 minutes pass and there's another knock on my door. "Sera Rin is here sir."

"Come in."

She comes storming to my desk, sweating. Her hair was a mess. Whoch could be assumed used to be a neat bun, was now very messy and barely on her head. "Here. The evidence," she said slamming down a recorder.

"Let's take a listen, shall we?"


"Izuku, what's goin on at home? Even just a little would help because your nurse, Koga, said she's never seen you freak out that much. And if that's how you react to your parents, who are suppose to regularly show you love and affection and they're surprised, well then something's not right."


"Izuku, I try not to pressure you to speaking with me, but this is important. If you don't feel safe at home, or you most definetly aren't, I need to know so I can help."


"Imagine all of the other children this family is going to hurt if we don't stop them. Once you leave this family, imagine the next child to get put into their home."


"Alright then, how about we just continue our ga-"

"They hurt me... "


"They aren't nice to me unless they have to. I... they... they makes me clean, wh... whi... which is f...fine, but i..if.f.f.. I mess... mess up,l.:

"Izuku, you know this isn't normal, right. Why haven't you told anyone before?"

"Be... because I de..deser..serve i.itt."

"Izuku, no. No one ever deserves to be abused, or harmed. Why would you deserve it?"

"Be... cause im... I'm a"

"Because of your quirk?"


"Thank you Izuku. Thank you for talking to me. How about, you and Tulip take a rest."


"There. Evidence. Clear as day."

"Yes indeed. You did good. Who knew you were such a good actor," I say sliding over the money.

She gives a large sigh in relief and picks up the check. She takes a look and slides it into her pocket.

"So we're done. No more favors. No more blackmail?"

I smile at her, "It all depends on you my dear. If you can keep those legs closed, I doubt we'll see each other again."

She gives me a look a hatred before turning around and storming out.

Midnight pops her head in. "What was that about?"

"You'll see. I will be needing you, Eraserhead, and Present Mic here afterschool so if you could ever so nicely tell them, that would be greatly appreciated."

"Yes sir, I'll be sure to tell them."

"Thank you very much."

Maybe this time, my dearest math freind will be given a proper family.

Hello! Sorry for the short chapter, didn't know how to make it longer. I'll keep this short because who even reads the end messages, but thank you all so much for your support. Waking up every morning to all of your votes, reads, and comments feels amazing. I dont think I can thank yall enough. Love yall, stay safe, and Happy pride month!

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