Ch. 1 - Izuku

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I walk home, battered in bruises from Kacchan. 'How in the world can an 8-year-old be so strong?' I think to myself.

I pull out my key to my family's small 2 bedroom apartment and open the door as quietly as possible. Inside is dark, the lights are tuned off. The smell of alchohol fills the air. From the little light that makes its way into the room, I can see my dad passed out on the couch with piles of cheap beer cans littered around the room.

I quietly shut the door and make my way through the house to my room, at the end of the hall. Walking, I pass my parents' room and peek through the slightly opened door. My mom sits on the ground, her back against the wall, her arms draped by her sides, a needle in one of them. I go into the room, smelling of cigars, and see a wooden box next to my mom, filled with more needles. I look at my mom with pity and clean up the area around her, pulling out the needle in her arm, placing it back into the wooden box. Closing the box, I place it in her dresser, under all her clothes so dad doesnt find out.

I go to my room, the only clean room in the house, and lay down my stuff. I pull out a med kit from under my bed and start to clean myself up, bandaging my cuts. Once I finish, I pull out my Hero Analysis books, the only things that give me purpose, I flip through them as they bring a smile to my face. I dont care what anyone say, I will become a hero. Then I hear a bang.

I open my door to see my parent's door is open, more then I left it. I quietly creep over and peek into the room.

"You BITCH!" my dad slaps my mom. She holds her cheek and cowers in the corner, knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face as she looks up to my dad.

"I'm sorry!" She sobs

"Sorry? SORRY! HA! You've been out buying drugs again! You've been spending my money! MY MONEY!" he yells. That's when I notice the box I put away was on the floor open with the needles spilling out.

"But... but I earned it. I-I-I payed for it with my money," she stammers.

"YOU'RE MONEY? You know full and well that all money comes to me bitch!" He yells and raises his hand to hit her again.

"NO!" I scream. I run over to him and grab his arm, bitting into it.

"Bastard!" he yells as he flings his arm back, throwing me against the bed.

He grabs my mom's hair and lifts her up. "You know, I've had enough of you. You and that bastard son. Wasting all of MY money and MY time!" He pulls an army knife out of his pocket and puts it to my mom's throat. My mom had a look of horror, her pale face looking even more pale, her eye bags becoming more prominent.

He pulls his arm back to stab, I lay against the bed, on the floor looking in horror. My mom looks at me and smiles, she hasnt smiled like that in years, and mouths her last words, "I. Love. You." She then closes her eyes and excepts her death. But I, I could not.

"NO!" I yell. A black mist swirls around me and my parents, it attacks my parents, both my mom and dad, entering their bodies through their eyes, nose, and mouth. They scream in pain but I can't see them, the black mist is to thick. Then, as quickly as it came, it was gone.

Outside the house, police cars are heard. Someone must've called the authorities from the noise, but I couldn't hear them, I ran Mom as soon as the mist dissipated and the sight was horrible

I stand over Mom and Dad, blood dripping out of their mouths and eyes onto the floor, adding to the pool of blood they laid in. I sits next to mom, on my knees, and picks up her upper half, holding her in my arms. Tears streaming down his face. That's when the door is broken down.

Police officers file in with a few heros including All Might and Eraserhead, the roam the house, searching for any life when they go into Izuku's parent's room to see Izuku crying in a pool of his parent's blood, holding his dead mom in his lap.

"Holy shit," Eraserhead says silently. He is shocked at what he saw. Other officers stand behind Eraserhead, standing in disbelief.

"What kind of villian does this?" All Might asks. "Kills the parents and leaves the child."

"The better question is what villian did this. My knowledge is that no villian in our database is capable of this. Killing, yes. But, how these two died, no," speaks the Cheif of Police.

Izuku looks up, finally regaining his hearing. He's shocked to see people, he didn't hear them come in, right?

All Might walks to the quiet boy, preparing to comfort him when the boy's eyes grow wide in fear. The boy runs to the farthest corner of the room.

"Don't touch me!" he cries. Taken aback by the boy All Might asks quietly, "What happened here, son?"

The small boy wraps himself into a ball. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault," he mutters over and over again.

All Might walks slowly to the boy, not sure what to do. Behind him, some police and Eraserhead investigate the bodies, trying to figure out what killed them. They take samples of their blood and saliva while some other police come in to deal with the bodies, which will later be taken for analysis.

When All Might got about 3 and a half feet away from Izuku, he crouches down. He reaches his hand out to touch the boy's head and pull him into a hug. "My boy, it's not your fa-" SMACK!

Izuku hits the man's hand away right when it was about to touch him. "YES IT IS! I KILLED MY PARENTS!" He sobs. This got the attention of Eraserhead, the Chief, and other policemen.

" *Sniff* I- I didn't mean to. I didn't even know I had a quirk! I-It was an a-a-accident." He buries his head back down into his knees. Before Izuku could react, All Might managed to pull the small child into his embrace. He started to comfort the little boy, who was to weak to push him off.

"Shhh..." All Might hushed the boy. "It's alright, everything will be okay. It's not your fault."

Izuku just cried in the large man's arms until he eventuy drifted off to sleep. All Might stands up with the small boy cradled in his arms.

"Do you think he really did this?" All Might asked.

"I... I don't know. Maybe? He seemed to be telling the truth, the question is why did he do it?" Eraserhead stuttered. The man who usually had an unaffected composure was startled by the events. He didn't know how to react.

"That doesn't really matter now. What matters is getting him to a hospital to make sure he's okay. There we can ask him more questions and have someone brought in to see," stated the Cheif.

All Might nods as he goes out of the apartment with the young boy in his arms. He walks to the ambulance that has shown up and gives him to the doctors.

As All Might walked out the apartment, he failed to notice another small boy with ash blonde hair. The boy watched as his childhood bestfriend was being carried by his hero, their hero, into an ambulance. His mother rushed out and covered the boy's eyes bringing him back inside.

"Mom, what happened to Deku?"

1342 words

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